
White House Not Pleased With Presidential Selfie Used As Samsung Promo

White House Not Pleased With Presidential Selfie Used As Samsung Promo

As “selfie” has become a word that even your reclusive great-aunt knows, and everyone enjoys when celebrities snap pictures of themselves with their phones and act just like regular people. So while a picture that Boston Red Sox player David “Big Papi” Ortiz took of himself with President Barack Obama proved popular on Twitter, including on Samsung’s account. Ortiz has an endorsement deal with the electronics company. The President, needless to say, does not. [More]

Samsung Needs To Stop With The Sexist Marketing Already

Samsung Needs To Stop With The Sexist Marketing Already

Okay, the electronics industry in general isn’t known for its commitment to progressive views on gender. As Samsung has become a global brand, though, people are noticing the subtle and not-at-all subtle sexism of their advertising. [More]

Samsung Indifferent About Exploding Washing Machines

Samsung Indifferent About Exploding Washing Machines

Maybe my standards are low, but I do expect my home appliances not to explode. When that happened to one Missouri couple, they called up Samsung for help. Since the couple had owned the machine for 14 months, the warranty was up and Samsung didn’t particularly care. They had spent $1000 on the machine, and expected more from Samsung. [More]


Apple And Samsung Back In Court For Round Eleventy Billion Of Their Legal Fight

What’s happened once has happened before, and will happen again. Whether or not you ascribe to that kind of Battlestar Galactica/Rust Cohle on True Detective life view, it certainly feels like seeing Apple and Samsung in the legal ring again was inevitable. We’re on about round eleventy billion, give or take an eleventy, as the two head back to court today in a dustup over patents. Again. [More]

Buy A 4K TV Now If You Have Gobs Of Money And Like Kevin Spacey A Lot. Like, A Whole Lot.

Buy A 4K TV Now If You Have Gobs Of Money And Like Kevin Spacey A Lot. Like, A Whole Lot.

If you haven’t noticed by now, we’ve basically let Meg “I’m The Boss And What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Vegas” Marco loose on CES this week, where she’s sending on-the-ground dispatches about all things new and electronic. Her ramblings today took her to the various and sundry 4K TVs on display. So how jazzed do the TVs seem, compared to your usual 1080p resolution sets? “Jazzed as hell,” sayeth Meg. [More]

3D TV Is Dead. Will Glasses-Free 3D Resurrect It?

3D TV Is Dead. Will Glasses-Free 3D Resurrect It?

Three years ago at CES 2011, glasses-free 3D prototypes were everywhere (though they were incredibly underwheliming). It was supposed to be the holy grail that would finally make it worthwhile to have a 3D TV at home. Since then, others have declared that 3D TV is dead. Some manufacturers blame the glasses for 3D’s demise and are still hoping that glasses-free can breathe new life into the format. [More]

The curved sets in the LG booth at CES.

When It Comes To Curved TVs, Size Does Matter

Several TV manufacturers are showing off curved TV sets at this year’s CES. The notion is that these sets off the viewer a more immersive, theater-like experience in their homes. But after spending some time with these TVs, we can say it’s all a matter of size. [More]

Samsung Pushes Curved TVs, Connected Home Services At CES

Samsung Pushes Curved TVs, Connected Home Services At CES

Just about all the major TV manufacturers will be showing off Ultra HD (aka UHD or 4K) TVs at CES this week, but only one of them will have a 105″ curved behemoth drawing attendees like bugs to a huge, expensive bug zapper. [More]

Transformers Director Michael Bay Storms Off Stage In Middle Of Samsung Event

Transformers Director Michael Bay Storms Off Stage In Middle Of Samsung Event

Ever have that nightmare of being on stage and flubbing your lines in front of a huge audience. Well that just happened to notoriously temperamental film director Michael Bay, who fled the stage at the Samsung CES press conference after an apparent teleprompter error. [More]

Consumerist Presents The 19 Worst Ads Of 2013, Brought To You By Consumerist

Consumerist Presents The 19 Worst Ads Of 2013, Brought To You By Consumerist

While we all have that one friend who is constantly littering our Facebook timelines with YouTube links to “Hilarius!” [sic] commercials, most of us hate advertisements. Even the ones that are funny or interesting the first time you see them will inevitably begin to grate after you see it for the 10th time in an hour. But some ads never even earn that initial chuckle, and instead go right to pushing that nerve that makes you want to body-slam your beloved 55″ TV. [More]

This $40,000 TV Is The New Thing To Ridicule With Delightful Amazon Reviews

This $40,000 TV Is The New Thing To Ridicule With Delightful Amazon Reviews

It’s not every day that the Internet’s commenters can all decide together which product on Amazon is most in need of derision by way of product reviews. This time it’s not a gallon of whole milk or even a gigantic tub of lube, but a $40,000, 85-inch LED TV from Samsung. It’s on sale, too, down from $44,999.99! [More]

Apple Wants Samsung To Start Paying The $60M In Lawyers’ Fees It’s Spent In Legal Fight

Apple Wants Samsung To Start Paying The $60M In Lawyers’ Fees It’s Spent In Legal Fight

The back-and-forth legal fight between Apple and its current nemesis Samsung isn’t a cheap one: All that litigating and finger pointing has cost Apple about $60 million so far. [More]

Samsung Owes Apple Another $290M In Damages — For A Total Of About $930M

Samsung Owes Apple Another $290M In Damages — For A Total Of About $930M

Whoever is on penny-counting duty at Samsung is probably shaking his or head quite thoroughly at the job ahead. A jury ruled yesterday that Samsung has to pay Apple $290,456,793 in additional damages for patent infringement, which is quite a pretty penny. And that’s still less than the $380 million Apple had asked for. [More]

Samsung Fined Because You Can’t Hire Writers To Say Mean Things Online About Competitors

Samsung Fined Because You Can’t Hire Writers To Say Mean Things Online About Competitors

Remember when Taiwan started investigating Samsung after a slew of mean comments about HTC started appearing online? Authorities there have decided that yes, Samsung was indeed paying writers to tear its competitor down while also writing glowing things to build Samsung’s phones up in the eyes of online commenters. [More]

Samsung’s Disposable Blu-Ray Player Won’t Play New Blu-Rays

Samsung’s Disposable Blu-Ray Player Won’t Play New Blu-Rays

Samsung’s BD-P3600 is apparently a nice enough gadget, which plays Blu-Ray discs and DVDs and streams online content from Netflix, Amazon, and other streaming services. Well, in theory. It seems to be an okay device as long as you don’t like to watch anything released in the last six months or so. Thanks to a firmware problem, it can’t deal with new discs. [More]

New LG TVs Will Be Telling Marketers What You’re Watching

New LG TVs Will Be Telling Marketers What You’re Watching

Your co-workers, friends, and maybe even your loved ones might not know you obsessively watch marathons of House Hunters International, but your TV soon will, with LG and others looking to launch Internet-connected sets that tell third-party marketers about all the horrible TV shows you watch. [More]

Samsung, AT&T To Replace Water-Damaged Waterproof Phones

Samsung, AT&T To Replace Water-Damaged Waterproof Phones

The whole point of the recently released Samsung Galaxy S4 Active is that it is supposed to be waterproof. Yet some users have been complaining that the device doesn’t live up to its hype or its supposed water-resistance rating, and a new report claims that AT&T and Samsung will be giving people who purchased the S4 Active the opportunity for a one-time-only exchange. [More]


Samsung Buys Boxee, Immediately Kills Cloud DVR

Keeping your work and your media in the cloud is totally awesome, right up until the moment when you’re kicked off the cloud. That’s the tragic lesson of the Boxee Cloud DVR (digital video recorder), the set-top box of many couch potatoes’ dreams. The key feature of the product–free cloud storage for your programs–will end tomorrow now that Samsung owns Boxee. [More]