There are several apps on the Apple app store that help consumers track sales and free offers from developers, but you have to launch them and check in regularly. The website App Spy offers an automated price tracker for games (just games, unfortunately) that will send you an email whenever a price threshhold is reached. If you tend to be an app junkie, it can help save you money by letting you get your fix on the cheap good stuff. [More]

Morning Deals
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Morning Deals
- Clothing

Get Inside A Timeshare Salesman's Head
How would you like to be 1000% more awesome? You will, after you read the secrets to Timeshare selling success over at the Timeshare Coach blog. It’s written by the author of ts by the author of Zero Resistance Selling: Achieve Extraordinary Sales Results Using The World-Renowned Techniques of Psycho-Cybernetics. On charming, ” Charm to Timeshare Sales is like Bread to Butter, put them together and it tastes so much better. Bread without butter is dry.” [More]

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Crazy Cruise Line Telemarketer Pulls Out Every Trick In The Book
John Tedesco of the San Antonio Express-News was badgered last week by a telemarketer who wouldn’t take no for an answer. He decided to keep her talking for a while to see how many ways she’d try to get him to hand over his credit card number for a “free” cruise. Here were all the tricks she used during her sales pitch. [More]

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

Morning Deals
- Clothing

GameStop Offering 50 Percent More Trade-in Credit
Normally it’s a walk of shame for gamers to lug a pile of games to GameStop to get pennies on the dollar in cash or trade-in credit for stuff they probably didn’t finish and overpaid for. But a deal going on right now for the proverbial “limited time only” offers 50 percent in bonus trade-in credit for your games. [More]