
No More "Rule 240" For American Airlines

No More "Rule 240" For American Airlines

Reader Tom writes in to let us know that American Airlines will no longer rebook you on another airline in the event of a delay or cancellation. He attempted to lay the old “Rule 240” on them and was told that Rule 240 had been changed to “Rule 18″… whatever that is.

Government Launches TV Converter Box Coupon Website

Government Launches TV Converter Box Coupon Website

The U.S. government, in its infinite wisdom, has launched a website that allows you to apply for a “converter box” coupon so that your analog-only TV will work after the digital transition.


A National Labor Committee report says that Christmas ornaments sold by Walmart are manufactured in sweatshops in which workers are not given safety gear to protect them from toxic chemicals. [KUTV] (Thanks, Jay!)

CompUSA's Pink Slip Is As Stingy As Their Liquidation Discounts

CompUSA's Pink Slip Is As Stingy As Their Liquidation Discounts

Engadget posted the layoff letter that CompUSA sent out to the people who will be losing their jobs. As you can see, it’s very warm and appreciative of their hard work.

From $2 Million To Foreclosure On An Ameriquest Subprime Mortgage

From $2 Million To Foreclosure On An Ameriquest Subprime Mortgage

Frances Joy Taylor had had about $2 million in assets, which she intended to leave to her church, before she met a businessman named Tyrone Dash. Dash took over her affairs and “methodically liquidated or leveraged almost everything she owned: her bank accounts and securities, her insurance policies, her credit cards, her two apartment buildings and, ultimately, her home,” says the Seattle Times. Frances suffers from Alzheimer’s.


Marvel at Microsoft’s craptacular “Office Online Gift Guide 2007.” Professional backgrounds for PowerPoint for only $199! [Microsoft via BoingBoing]


Dick Wilson, the actor who played Mr. Whipple in over 500 Charmin commercials, has passed away at the age of 91. [CNN]

Taco Bell Fires 64 Year Old Grandmother Who Once Took A Bullet In A Robbery

Taco Bell Fires 64 Year Old Grandmother Who Once Took A Bullet In A Robbery

Winnie Shilson has worked for Taco Bell for 30 years. She has been robbed at gun point twice, and 9 years ago she took a bullet in the leg when a robber started shooting the Taco Bell’s safe. Winnie was fired recently, after two negative performance reviews. She’s convinced that Taco Bell wanted to rid themselves of her $45,000 a year salary.

“I bawled for three days after I got fired,” she says. “I was the most loyal, dedicated employee they could have. In 30 years, I never called in sick or was late to work. Not once! And I was good at my job. Damn good.”

Best Buy Sells You A Box Of Bathroom Tiles Instead Of Hard Drive, Won't Issue Refund

Best Buy Sells You A Box Of Bathroom Tiles Instead Of Hard Drive, Won't Issue Refund

Sam says that he went to and bought a hard drive for in-store pick up. What he got was a box of bathroom tiles. Now Best Buy is saying he’d better take it up with manufacturer and that they’re not going to issue a refund and that Sam should just take his loss. We don’t think he should. We think it’s not legal to sell someone a box full of bathroom tiles instead of a hard drive.

Delta's Plummeting Dufflebag Incident Results In Tragic Loss Of Favorite Dolls

Delta's Plummeting Dufflebag Incident Results In Tragic Loss Of Favorite Dolls

We feel really bad for Abby, the 9 year-old girl who lost her favorite dolls when they plummeted from an open Delta (Atlantic Southeast) cargo hold several thousand feet in the air above Chicagoland.

US Airways Passenger Who Died In Airport Holding Cell Was On Her Way To Rehab

US Airways Passenger Who Died In Airport Holding Cell Was On Her Way To Rehab

This story just keeps getting sadder. Carol Anne Gotbaum, the passenger who got into a screaming match with US Airways gate attendants and later died in a holding cell after being arrested, was on her way to an alcohol treatment center in Tucson to seek help. She was also the stepdaughter-in-law of New York City Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum.

Borders' Popular Rewards Program Proves Both Too Popular And Too Rewarding

Borders' Popular Rewards Program Proves Both Too Popular And Too Rewarding

According to the Wall Street Journal, Borders rewards program is popular. Too popular. And too rewarding. In response, Borders is cutting back the benefits and introducing a new program that it describes as “now simpler than ever” and “a new program to celebrate.”

25th Anniversary Of Unsolved Tylenol Tampering Case

25th Anniversary Of Unsolved Tylenol Tampering Case

Medicines have tamper-proof seals for one reason: A 25-year-old case involving cyanide-laced Tylenol that killed seven people in the Chicagoland area during September of 1982.

US Airways Passenger Dies In Holding Cell After Airport Arrest

US Airways Passenger Dies In Holding Cell After Airport Arrest

A US Airways passenger who was late for her flight and denied boarding by the gate crew became agitated and caused enough of a stir that she was arrested, according to USAToday.

Philadelphia Mayor Cracks Down On Tax Evaders, Finds Out He Is One

Philadelphia Mayor Cracks Down On Tax Evaders, Finds Out He Is One

Philadelphia’s mayor, John Street, also known as the “iPhone Mayor,” (because he camped out for an iPhone) told Philadelphia he was cracking down on tax scofflaws… only to find out that he is one.

Apple Urges You To "Take At Least Some Responsibility" For Your Defective iBook

Apple Urges You To "Take At Least Some Responsibility" For Your Defective iBook

Awhile back we posted a letter from a guy whose claim on a defective iBook G3 Logic Board repair was “9 months too late” and was denied by Apple. He wrote Steve Jobs and the Apple Executive Support team agreed to repair the defective unit under the “Extended iBook Logic Board Repair Program.”

Joyriding Jerks Steal Food Bank Truck, Ruin 1 Ton Of Food For No Reason

Joyriding Jerks Steal Food Bank Truck, Ruin 1 Ton Of Food For No Reason

A local non-profit wants to know who would steal food from the hungry. A thief took a refrigerated Food Bank of the Rockies truck Monday that was stocked with enough food to feed 1,500 families.

Home Depot Fires Another Employee For Stopping A Thief

Home Depot Fires Another Employee For Stopping A Thief

Attention Home Depot Employees: They really will fire you if you attempt to stop a crime in progress. That’s what happened to 24-year-old Dustin Chester. He worked at a Home Depot in Murfreesboro, Tennessee until he caught and restrained a thief who he caught prying open a soda machine with a crowbar. Now he’s unemployed.