Moving is never easy, but San Francisco resident Carleigh thought her transplant from a one-bedroom apartment to a one-bedroom condo wouldn’t be so tough. Ron, a customer service rep from Starving Students movers, talked a good game, convincing Carleigh the company could pull off the move in the three-hour time window the HOA demanded.

Slim Jim Shortages Cause Widespread Turmoil, Healthy Sodium And Cholesterol Levels
If you’re noticing a lack of mechanically separated chicken and hydrolyzed corn gluten in your diet, you’re not alone. The tragic ConAgra factory explosion that killed three people near Raleigh, N.C. ended Slim Jim production until this fall. [Update: The factory is reopening on July 27.] It was the only place where the snack sticks are manufactured.

Billy Mays Likely Died Of Heart Disease
A Florida medical examiner says that beloved pitchman Billy Mays suffered from hypertensive heart disease and likely died of a heart attack. A day earlier, Mays bumped his head during a rough landing on a US Airways flight — but the autopsy showed no head trauma.

Man Dies Trying To Stop Verizon Van
The Washington Post says that a 79-year-old widower died after trying to stop a Verizon technician from pulling out of his drive way. The man was apparently extremely frustrated with his service, in addition to being quite lonely since his wife passed away from a stroke.

Continental Pilot Dies Midflight, Crew Lands Jet Safely
CNN is reporting that the pilot of Continental Flight 61 from Brussels to Newark died midflight, forcing a relief pilot to take over the controls of the Boeing 777.

Consumer Reports Safety has information (including a video) on how to prevent the type of home exercise equipment accident that caused the horribly, horribly sad death of Mike Tyson‘s 4-year-old daughter.

Comcast Wants You Back, Leaves Comcastic Love Notes
Kevin abandoned Comcast and switched to FiOS. Since then, his jilted cable/Internet company has made it quite clear how badly they want him back. They can’t believe it when they hear that he won’t see them. Denial is tough to watch.

Settlement In Shopper Stampede Case; Wal-Mart Avoids Criminal Charges
Wal-Mart will not face criminal charges in the death of temporary holiday worker Jdimytai Damour at its Valley Stream, NY store. Damour was posted at the front of the store when the out-of-control early morning crowd broke the door down, and he was trampled to death.
The Onion Is Killing Their West Coast Print Editions “Unfortunately, despite healthy readership in both Los Angeles and San Francisco (readership has actually risen despite our reduction in copies in recent months) the advertising in both cities has been abysmal,” CEO Steve Hannah said in a memo. [Gothamist]

Woman Dies In Walmart Parking Lot, Discovered Two Days Later
Imagine dying in your vehicle in the parking lot of a 24-hour Walmart. How would anyone know? The couple who discovered Patricia Glasscock’s body yesterday thought she was sleeping, which is probably what anyone who passed by thought.

Impoverished High School Seniors No Longer Able To Finance Gaudy Proms
The recession continues to rot America’s cultural core, this time by attacking one of our most cherished traditions: prom. Gone are the ice sculptures and $1,000 dresses. America’s children are now buying dresses off racks and trading limos for the family car. Imagine!

Tennessee Couple Gets $5,000 Loan, 59% Interest Rate
Kay and Lewis Brown wanted some quick cash so they could make a moderate addition to their home. They turned to CashCall, an online loan service, after seeing the ads on TV. The company lent them $5,000 — at 59% interest. Now the couple is on the hook for $20,830.

Whoops, You Paid $1,200 For Crappy Obstructed View Yankee Tickets
Thinking of buying some “secondary market” tickets? Well, you might want to do a little research before you open your wallet, according to the New York Times. Apparently, the new Yankee Stadium has some seats that are so godawful that they only cost $5 — unless you buy them from a scalper who charges you hundreds.

No Free Burritos From Chipotle On Tax Day, Again
Once upon a time, Chipotle used to give out free burritos on Tax Day — or so the story goes. Still, some people never forget.

KFC's Mashed Potato Bowl: Picture Vs Reality
Jay sent us this picture of a KFC Mashed Potato Bowl he purchased. It’s probably blurry in real life, too. Click through for larger, even less appetizing pics, plus a special YouTube tribute.

Every Time Dell Touches My Laptop It Gets A Little More Broken
Reader tking says his laptop started out with a bad power jack — but has slowly escalated in brokenness with each Dell intervention.

Thanks For Giving My Tax Refund To Someone Else, H & R Block
Q:What happens when HR Block copies your bank information incorrectly and deposits your tax refund into someone else’s account? A:The other person spends it and H & R Block shrugs and tells you to call the police.