A woman in California was arrested for burglary in a RadioShack store (yes, there are still RadioShack stores) but here’s the thing: the front door had been left unlocked overnight. Police were summoned because triggered a silent alarm inside the store, and the cops said they found the woman inside when they arrived, taking merchandise. An employee apparently had set the alarm, but forgotten to lock the actual door. [CBS Sacramento] (Warning: auto-play video at that link) [More]

Leasing Brochures Indicate Sears Plans To Shrink 3 More Stores, Rent Out Empty Space
On our master list of known Sears and Kmart stores that will be closing in coming months, one item kind of stands out: one store in Albuquerque plans to cut the size of its store in half and close the Auto Center, renting out the rest of the store. Sears appears to be using the same plan in other markets, including three stores in California. [More]

Amazon Opening Real-Life Stores In San Francisco, Sacramento
Amazon hasn’t officially confirmed that it is going to open a real-life store in New York City, though “people familiar with the plans” told the Wall Street Journal about the company’s planned , and there’s definitely something about to open in the space across the street from the Empire State Building. However, the company has confirmed that it’s opening two seasonal pop-up shops in San Francisco and Sacramento, California. [More]

If You Want To Keep Your Job As A News Anchor, Don’t Get Caught Shoplifting
As celebs like Wynona Ryder have demonstrated, you can get caught shoplifting and still go on to have a decent career in the public eye. Perhaps Ryder’s redemption tale will give some hope to a California news woman who has resigned her local anchoring gig after being charged with shoplifting. [More]

Rogue Sellers Set Up Fake ‘Yard Sales’ To Get Around Paying Rent, Taxes
Want to start a retail business but don’t want to be bogged down with having to sign a lease or paying all the taxes associated with running a store? Just pretend you’re having a yard sale each weekend… at a different house every time. [More]

Do Different Walmarts Charge The Same Price For The Same Item?
Have you ever wondered whether different Walmart stores in the same area charge the same price for the same items? Perhaps you did, but never got around to doing the legwork to find out whether that’s actually the case. Fortunately, Rob Cockerham is here, and has a lot of free time. Evidently. He did the experiment that I’ve always wanted to do, driving around to three different Walmarts around Sacramento on the same day to compare the prices of identical items. The results? Don’t waste your time driving around to different Walmarts for groceries. Unless you live in Rancho Cordova and need to buy an awful lot of chicken breasts.

Someone Out There Really Hates This PetSmart Store
Just like most major retailers, PetSmart has been the subject of more than a few complaints. But though some of you may have wanted to do so, no Consumerist readers have taken out their PetSmart-related anger with the assistance of their car — and a baseball bat. [More]

IRS Raids Car Wash To Collect On 4 Cents
Two IRS spooks descended on Harv’s Metro Car Wash in midtown Sacramento to collect on a four-cent debt. “They were deadly serious, very aggressive, very condescending,” the owner of Harv’s said. [More]

Is Kohl's Systemically Overcharging Customers?
Don’t walk out of Kohl’s without first double-checking your receipt. The store apparently has a penchant for overcharging customers, according to the Sacramento County Department of Weights and Measures, which fined the chain $2,000 for repeatedly failing surprise inspections. CBS sent an enterprising reporter to see how long it would take for them to uncover a pricing discrepancy of their own. Almost immediately, they found a woman who was charged $64.99 for a pair of shoes marked $59.99.