Is a selfie stick convenient? Sure, it works great for snapping self-portraits and means you don’t have to ask strangers to take your picture. But it sure as heck isn’t a good thing to use on a roller coaster while it’s in motion. Yeah, we’re looking at you, person who whipped out one of the gadgets on a ride at Disneyland. [More]

This Story About A Euthanasia Roller Coaster Is Why I Love/Fear The Internet
The Internet makes many things possible. You can see videos of puppies and babies, babies and cats, cats and puppies or just cats at any time, day or night. You may find yourself giggling maniacally over a gif of a total stranger falling down with the click of a button. Or you could discover a rollercoaster designed to humanely off its passengers. [More]

Boy Dies In Roller Coaster Fall
A 3-year-old Chicago-area boy died after he fell off an indoor amusement park roller coaster. [More]

Hagrid-Sized Humans Can't Ride New Harry Potter Attraction
If you visit the Harry Potter theme park this summer and happen to see a relatively large person poking himself with his brand new wand and muttering reduccio!, don’t be confused. He was probably just told he can’t ride the Forbidden Journey dark ride at the park. [More]

British Theme Park Attempts To Ban B.O.
You know how when you go to an amusement park and ride roller coasters, you raise your arms in the air and scream like a bloody fool? Well, a theme park in Britain wants to ban that. Not the roller coasters or the screaming, just the raising of arms.

Eat a Cockroach, Ride a Rollercoaster.
Six Flag’s Great America. Ah, those halcyon days of youth, strapped to one of the American Eagle’s dual trains with only a lapbar and someone else’s mom to keep your skinny ass from bouncing the hell out of the car. Oh, the memories.