Get the shovel ready and the recipe cards out, Oregonians, because your state has just made it legal to for you to salvage roadkill and eat it. [More]

5 Things We Learned Today About What It’s Like To Gather And Eat Roadkill
Though the idea of eating something that’s been run over by a car and left on the side of the road might turn even some of the strongest of stomaches, the fact remains that there’s a lot of meat at stake, and there are those out there who are more than willing to pick up what others might not want and turn it into a tasty stew. But while you might be imagining a clumsy shovel and buzzing fly situation, in reality, says one avid roadkill aficionado, it’s a lot different. [More]

Would You Pay $1,000 For Couture Roadkill Fur?
Many shoppers shy away from products that contain animal fur, whether because of their personal beliefs where animals come into play, or because mink coats are known to be rather expensive. But what if the fur came from an animal that no one else really wanted, one that’s been left by the roadside as roadkill? [More]

Chinese Restaurant Closed Because Roadkill Wasn’t On The Menu
It’s one thing for a restaurant to serve up a nice plate of venison that comes from a legally hunted deer that’s been dressed and butchered properly. It’s another to simply chop up some roadkill in the kitchen and pass it off to your customers, and that is why a Chinese food restaurant in Kentucky is now closed. [More]