Road rage is nothing new, but a Lyft driver in California says she was brutally attacked and then robbed in what she’s calling a road rage incident. [More]
road rage

AAA: Basically Everyone Has Experienced Road Rage
You grip the wheel a bit harder, you huff, and puff, and threaten under your breath to do awful things to the stranger who just cut you off, and then “HOOOOOOONK,” you lay on the horn for a solid 10 second. It’s called road rage, and most American drivers have experienced it, according to a new research report from AAA.

Greyhound Driver Brings Bus To A Stop While Defending Himself Against Passenger Attack
It can’t be easy to be the driver of a bus going long distances. Those things are huge, after all, and there you are speeding down the interstate with a bus full of passengers who just want to be anywhere other than on a bus, sitting near the bathroom, trying to work out a persistent leg cramp. And when one of those passengers attacks you, well, driving gets even trickier. [More]