You may remember the news from earlier this month when the bankruptcy court judge handling the case of defunct retailer Sports Authority denied the company’s request to pay a total of $2.85 million in bonuses to remaining executives. The company proposed a much smaller package for fewer executives, and apparently explained the purpose better this time, since the judge approved the package this time. [More]
rip sports authority

Bankruptcy Judge In Sports Authority Case Rejects Bonuses For Executives
U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge Mary Walrath may be a new folk hero. She’s the judge handling the Sports Authority case, and today she ruled that four Sports Authority executives will not receive a combined $2.85 million in bonuses that the company claims are incentives. Incentives for running the company into the ground? [More]

Report: Dick’s Bids For Sports Authority Stores, Modell’s And Sports Direct Don’t
One interesting possibility in the bankruptcy auction for the stores of debt-laden retailer Sports Authority was that a partnership between Northeastern sporting-goods chain Modell’s and a United Kingdom retailer, Sports Direct, might take over between 100 and 200 stores and open some kind of joint venture. Now that the bids for store leases are in, we know that the companies didn’t do that, but competitor Dick’s Sporting Goods bid on 17 stores that Sports Authority is leaving behind. [More]

Let’s Check Out An Actual Store-Closing Sale At A Sports Authority Store
We always tell readers not to rush out to store-closing sales until later on, if at all, since the deep discounts and brightly colored signs hide discounts that aren’t that great. Over the holiday weekend, Consumerist stopped by a Sports Authority store to find out how the store-closing sale is going. What we learned: there isn’t a big market for University of Georgia Christmas sweaters in upstate New York, especially in late May. [More]

Sports Authority’s Stores Have Been Sold To A Trio Of Liquidators, All Will Close
While regular customers and employees may have hoped that the competitors of bankrupt sporting goods chain Sports Authority would bid on its stores and inventory, taking over and keeping the branches open so they could expand into new markets. While Dick’s Sporting Goods and Modell’s did bid, ultimately the winner of all remaining stores was a group of three notorious liquidators bidding together: Tiger Capital Group, Hilco Global, and Gordon Brothers. Update: the store closing sales will begin on or around May 25, and run until the end of August. [More]