When a company has filed for bankruptcy and is closing stores, should the leaders who helped it to get there be rewarded with bonuses? That question has come up in the proceedings for RadioShack’s second bankruptcy in just over two years, and the company’s creditors and court-appointed trustee have responded with a resounding “nope.” [More]
nice try

Should RadioShack Executives Get $1.4 Million In Bonuses? No, Say Creditors

Customer Sues Charter For Selling Their Data Without Consent
It may become one of the defining questions of our age: Does your personal data become someone else’s asset as soon as you go online? One Charter customer says that he has a right to determine how his data is used, and that the cable/internet company failed to get his permission or disclose that it would be using this information for its own gain. [More]

Disingenuous Shoplifting Suspects Claim They Misunderstood “Tax-Free Holiday” Concept
During back-to-school season, some municipalities have tax holidays, where sales tax isn’t charged on clothing purchases. Georgia is holding one right now, and some shoppers took advantage of the holiday to… pretend that they didn’t understand that the term doesn’t mean “grab everything you can and run out of the store.” [More]

Best Buy Sells $200 Gift Cards For $15, Cancels Orders
Late last night, Best Buy posted what seemed like the greatest Black Friday in July deal ever: a $200 gift card for only $15. This was an obvious pricing error, but humans are humans, and people were willing to put up with an Isaac Mizrahi-designed floral gift card if it meant that they would get $185 in free money. Fortunately for Best Buy, they corrected the pricing error after only a few hours. [More]

Pasting A Copyright Notice On Your Facebook Timeline Still Won’t Work
It’s like an annual tradition: Facebook announces revisions to its privacy or data use policies, and the people of Facebook Nation respond by copying and pasting a boilerplate notice warning Mark Zuckerberg and his cronies that their political rants and snapshots of their kids’ drawings belong to them, thank you very much. The problem: this does not actually work. [More]

Pepsi Decides To Discontinue “Natural” Gatorade Because, Come On, Really?
Back when I was growing up on my grandparents’ farm out on the prairie, whenever I was exhausted from a long day of playing professional sports I simply went to the Gatorade well and pulled up a bucketful of natural Gatorade. Nothing like it! Straight from the earth! That’s not true, but there was a “natural” line of Gatorade that PepsiCo has now decided just isn’t working. [More]

Turns Out A Bag Of Pot Is Not Legal Tender At Denny's
While your pal might accept a bag of drugs as a trade for meal, it’s not surprising that a cashier at Denny’s won’t be so down with the bartering system. Cops say a man in Niagara Falls tried paying for his meal with marijuana, and was subsequently denied. [More]

You Can't Deduct Your Nudie Magazine Subscription From Your Taxes
Every year, taxpayers try to slip things into their taxes as deductions, things they might deem necessary business expenses that can be written off. Some of these things fly with tax preparers and subsequently, the Internal Revenue Service, while others, say, a subscription to Playboy, just don’t. [More]

Comcast Begs Employees To Vote For Charter In Worst Company In America Poll
We know that none of the companies in this year’s Worst Company In America tournament want to be on the list. But reigning Golden Poo holder Comcast has decided that, rather than actually do anything about the problems that make it a perennial favorite, it will just beg its employees to vote — multiple times — for the other guy. [More]

TD Bank Sells Overdraft Protection As A "Free" Service
Frank writes that he received a call from his bank, TD Bank, that insults the consumer savvy and the intelligence of their customers. TD kept calling him…unsurprisingly, to try to sell him on the idea of opting in to overdraft protection. Their sales pitch? Overdraft protection is a “FREE SERVICE.” Well, yeah, like many services, it’s free until you actually use it. [More]

Petsmart Redefines Coupon Expiration Dates
If a coupon says that it expires on July 4th, most people assume this means that you can use it on July 4th. Not so, in Petsmart’s universe. In their coupon vortex, July 4 ends at 6:00 AM on July 4th. Which is a little weird for an online coupon, but completely insane for a printable in-store coupon when no Petsmart store opens until several hours later. [More]