
Best Buy Employee’s Video On How The Store Screws You Over

Remember, don’t go to Best Buy without doing your product research first. The only thing you should ask a BB employee is “where is this item located?” Or, “where is the exit?” — BEN POPKEN

Walmart Replaces Smocks With Target-Style Uniform

Walmart Replaces Smocks With Target-Style Uniform

Walmart will replace its employee’s trademark smocks with navy shirts and khaki pants.

What Store Has The Best “Experience?”

What Store Has The Best “Experience?”

We were reading a NYT article, “800 Very Unsquare Feet” about this “Free City” store in a Malibu strip mall. It sounds neat, selling custom tepees, bikes, and original tshirts. The store also gives away free orange juice and oranges.

Where You Love To Shop

“Readers who bought electronics products online were happier than those who bought at stores. That was the case for every product category we have data about. It proved especially true for digital cameras, audio gear, camcorders, DVD players, and digital video recorders. The top overall e-tailer was Crutchfield, closely followed by,, Amazon,, and”

Be Prepared For Black Friday

Be Prepared For Black Friday

Before embarking on America’s asinine adventure in mob consumerism this Friday, use the checklist inside to make sure you’re ready. We’ve got:

PS3 Sales Erupt In Violence, Political Disgrace

PS3 Sales Erupt In Violence, Political Disgrace

The understocked PS3 has become the Paris Hilton of the gaming world. Demand is so fever-pitched that several opening day sales have resulted in violence and political defamation.

CompUSA Stays Open Thanksgiving Night

CompUSA Stays Open Thanksgiving Night

CompUSA announced plans to open from 9am to midnight on Thanksgiving night, giving it, and its customers, a jump on Black Friday.

Even Serial Killers Can Get Good Customer Service

Even Serial Killers Can Get Good Customer Service

It’s Jerry Time! and this time he tells about working in a camera shop, and having to wait on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre guy.

Skip Black Friday Lines

If you’re not going for a door-buster or a super-limited item, this trick could save you a lot of time when shopping on Black Friday.

Rebate’s Extinction Draws Near

Soon, we may be able to visit the Museum of Natural History and point and guffaw at an ugly, overstuffed, extinct beast: the rebate.

Consumer Reports Warns Against Extended Warranties

Consumer Reports Warns Against Extended Warranties

Consumer Reports has an excellent article this morning warning against the fraud that is the extended warranty. From the article:

Amazon.Com Wins Best Customer Service

Online megastore won top honors in a national customer service survey released last Thursday. Here’s the top ten list, according to a National Retail Federation/American Express study.

Big Titty Mannequins

Big Titty Mannequins

Mannequins are disturbing enough, but do we really need to give them size D breasts?

Retailers Say Walmart’s Early Black Friday Won’t Affect Prices

Will Walmart’s extremely early holiday price cuts, or “rollbacks,” inspire other retailers to follow suit?

Walmart Starts Black Friday Early

Walmart Starts Black Friday Early

Please Stop Your Customer Service. It’s Frightening.

Please Stop Your Customer Service. It’s Frightening.

RetailMeNot: New, Easy, Coupon Code Site

RetailMeNot: New, Easy, Coupon Code Site

Bookmark this great new site for coupon code searches:

Walmart: Her Name is Nancy, and We’re Gonna Keep Her.

Walmart announced today they’ve created a composite of the perfect Walmart customer. The ideal Walmart customer is, “a woman in her early 40s, lives in the suburbs and has “several” children. “We call her Nancy,” Walmart said.