
Help! Sears Is Charging Me Interest On A "0% For 24 Months" Deal And They Won't Stop!

Help! Sears Is Charging Me Interest On A "0% For 24 Months" Deal And They Won't Stop!

Reader Mike asks:

Target Fixes Their Broken Wedding Registry, Will Let You Return Duplicates Without A Receipt

Target Fixes Their Broken Wedding Registry, Will Let You Return Duplicates Without A Receipt

Reader Jon writes in to let us know that your complaining has had a positive effect on Target’s return policy. They will now allow you to return duplicate wedding registry gifts without asking your friends and relatives for a receipt.

Sears Is Now Officially Too Incompetent To Even Take Your Money

Sears Is Now Officially Too Incompetent To Even Take Your Money

Gregg wants us to know that Sears has just hung up on one of the last people in America who hasn’t totally given up on them. He’s spent quite a lot of time lately trying to give them $1500 for a lawn tractor, but they just couldn’t figure out how to complete the transaction. Yes, Sears has finally gotten to the point that they can’t take your money even if you want to give it to them.

Circuit City Loses Even More Money: $164.8 Million

Circuit City Loses Even More Money: $164.8 Million

Circuit City reported yesterday that they’ve managed to lose $164.8 million in the first quarter, which is even more money than they managed to lose in the previous disastrous quarter. In fact, this will be their 5th straight losing quarter. Same-store sales, considered the most important indicator of the health of a retailer, dropped 11.3 percent. Ow!

RESOLVED: Circuit City 24 Minute Guarantee Means Whatever Rob, The Supervisor, Says It Means

RESOLVED: Circuit City 24 Minute Guarantee Means Whatever Rob, The Supervisor, Says It Means

Dustin wrote back to let us know that Circuit City corporate had contacted him about his difficulty with their “24 minute guarantee.” It seems that the general manger of the store had misunderstood the guarantee completely. Apologies were given and gift cards were received.

Washington D.C. Police Say Its OK For Off-Duty Cops To Detain You For Not Showing Receipt

Washington D.C. Police Say Its OK For Off-Duty Cops To Detain You For Not Showing Receipt

Remember Matt? He was detained by an off-duty police officer who was employed as a security guard by the Home Depot because he did not show his receipt. Matt complained about this to the Home Depot and received an apology from Frank Blake, the CEO. He also filed a formal complaint with the Metropolitan police. He says the police found his complaint to be unfounded.

Updated: Reach Lowe's Executive Customer Service

Updated: Reach Lowe's Executive Customer Service

Here is a phone number and email address for reaching Lowe’s executive customer service:

Wal-Mart Reports You To The Police For Not Allowing Them To Check Your Receipt

Wal-Mart Reports You To The Police For Not Allowing Them To Check Your Receipt

The epic conflict between shoppers and receipt checkers continues! Reader Michael was unwilling to wait in line to have his cart searched, prompting Wal-Mart to threaten to file a police report as they wrote down his license place…


Wal-Mart is cutting down its inventory (fewer clothing styles) and remodeling its older stores (lower shelves and clearer signage) to spur more shopping. [Reuters]

New York City: 86% Of Milk Sellers Are Price-Gouging Customers

New York City: 86% Of Milk Sellers Are Price-Gouging Customers

Sorry New Yorkers, but according to the City Council, you’re overpaying for both rent and milk. Anyone charging more than $3.93 for a gallon—86% of the city’s milk sellers, from bodegas to Whole Foods—is violating the state’s milk price-gouging law.

Sears Loses $56 Million In The First Quarter, Experts Say Kmart May Have To Go

Sears Loses $56 Million In The First Quarter, Experts Say Kmart May Have To Go

Bad news for Sears Holdings — the parent company of Sears and Kmart lost $56 million in the first quarter, and some experts are saying that boss Eddie Lampert may have to face up to the fact that Kmart needs to close.

Home Depot Shareholders Ask For Better Customer Service

Home Depot Shareholders Ask For Better Customer Service

Home Depot’s shareholder’s meeting was filled with investors requesting that the big orange home improvement giant improve its notoriously crappy customer service. Suggestions included improving employee pay to lure back quality workers who defected to Lowe’s, and hiring more “aprons.”

Borders Launches A Website With A "Magic Shelf"

Borders Launches A Website With A "Magic Shelf"

Borders has finally decided to launch its own website (previously, its online business had been handled by CEO George Jones says:

Companies Don't Hate You… They Just Love Phone Trees More

Companies Don't Hate You… They Just Love Phone Trees More

Companies are slowly learning that those infuriating automated phone trees aren’t the answer to their customer service problems. Some experts even claim that automated systems anger customers. The New York Times decided to trace the history of the hated trees, while wondering if things will ever change.

Microsoft And The $1,632 Copy Of Vista

Microsoft And The $1,632 Copy Of Vista

Microsoft charged Bill $1,632 for a single Windows Vista Ultimate upgrade license. Each time Bill, an IT Manager, tried to his enter his payment details through Windows Live Marketplace he was told that Microsoft could not be contacted, and to “please try again later.” What Microsoft really meant was, “Ha! Got your money! How ’bout some more?!”


After a successful pilot program, Macy’s is putting fancy Japanese-style vending machines in 400 of its stores. They’ll sell things like iPods and cameras. Looks like Macy’s will have to add another list of things excluded from its not-very-valuable coupons. [Reuters]

Policy: Blockbuster Debits $1 To Test Your Card, Then Charges You For Your Rental

Policy: Blockbuster Debits $1 To Test Your Card, Then Charges You For Your Rental

For every debit or credit card transaction at Blockbuster, the company will now debit $1 to “test” your card. If the transaction goes through, they’ll then debit the full amount of your purchase. Blockbuster tells us your dollar will be returned in 3-10 business days. Reader Jason says he rented a game on Thursday and hasn’t gotten the dollar Blockbuster borrowed back yet. Will he get it before the 10 days is up?

Big Box Retailers Fight Back Against FCC's Recent Fines

Big Box Retailers Fight Back Against FCC's Recent Fines

Best Buy, Circuit City, and Sears are all contesting the FCC’s recent fines against them for not properly following analog transition rules in their stores, reports Ars Technica. Last week, Best Buy submitted a 41-page response (PDF) that claimed among other things that the FCC has no authority to fine them.