Last fall, weeks before the election, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau concluded a three-year process of trying to make prepaid cards less costly. Those new rules, which would improve transparency and curb runaway fees, are set to go into effect later this year, but not if lawmakers on Capitol Hill have their say. [More]

Federal Perkins Student Loan Program Set To Expire At Midnight
After 57 years of assisting nearly 20 million low-income students to finance their dreams of obtaining a higher education, the Federal Perkins Loan program could soon be grinding to a halt. [More]

Hampton Inn Bans Customer For Parking In Their Garage
Hampton Inn general manager Jennifer Stahler banned reader Jack from staying at her Inn again because he dared to park his car in the Inn’s garage. Jack wasn’t sure he could park there in the first place, even though there weren’t any signs warning “private” or “employees only,” so after parking, he checked in with Jennifer who told him he was fine and even wrote him a parking slip. The next morning she changed her mind and demanded $38 in valet charges. When Jack reminded her that she never mentioned any fees and had given him a parking slip, she agreed to remove the charges but then explained that he was “no longer welcome to stay.”

UPDATE: Empire Who’s Who Service Gets Imperial
Previously, a reader wrote in about how hard it was to get a refund from Empire’s Who’s Who, a business contact directory. Many of our commentors said the best way was to dispute the charges with the credit card company. Today, another reader writes that all it took for her was the THREAT of doing so.

Apple Adds iTunes Ministore Opt-In
not the software, just the Tuesday morning, new-music-has-dropped update.