Some Motorola Droid phones are having problems with the battery cover coming off too easily. That’s what was happening to Chris’ Droid, so he and his girlfriend brought it into a Verizon store in Pleasant Hill, CA. His girlfriend brought along her defective enV Touch for service as well.
When they left, Chris had a sticker stuck to the back of his Droid, and his girlfriend was told to stop wearing makeup because makeup ruins the enV Touch.

This Verizon Store Provides Weird Repair Services

Maytag Has Given Me 3 Weeks Of Dirty Clothing
Nick bought a Maytag washer, but it’s the ever-broken, un-repaired appliance that’s come to own him. He says he’s gone back and forth with the company and has been promised replacement parts and cash back to defray the cost of doing laundry, but has instead been put through the spin cycle. [More]

Pretty Much All Roman And Roll-Up Blinds Recalled
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the Window Covering Safety Council have announced a “recall to repair” of all Roman shades and roll-up shades, after multiple reports of deaths and near strangulations in recent years. If you’ve got kids in your house and you use either type of window covering, visit or call 800-506-4636 to receive a free kit that will let you retrofit the shades and blinds with clips. [More]

Samsung's Repair Service Can't Seem To Fix My Blu-Ray
Matthew raves about Samsung’s Twitter customer service (@samsungservice), but is incensed about the repair process itself, which he says has failed to stop his Blu-ray from freezing up like Sean Suisham. [More]

Warning Signs That Your Mechanic Is Scamming You
Mint has a great article on how to protect yourself from getting ripped off by a mechanic. First and foremost, read your car’s manual and learn what to ask for when you take it in. Just saying you need a tune up with a modern car flags you as an easy mark.

HP Returns Computer With Faulty Repair, Bonus Dust Bunnies
Marc thought he was being practical when be purchased a four-year warranty to go along with his HP desktop. After about a year, the computer failed. No problem. Just send the tower in for some of that stellar HP repair service. Except there’s probably a reason why you rarely hear the words “stellar,” “HP,” and “repair” in the same sentence.

What To Consider Before Buying An Extended Warranty
The New York Times has an article about why consumers buy extended warranties for electronic products and other appliances, especially since we rarely have enough information at the moment of sale to make an informed decision. Here are three things to watch out for the next time you’re buying some fun electronic device.

I Sent Dell My Laptop And All I Got Back Was This Stupid Hard Drive
Maybe Adam is being a bit unreasonable here, but when he sends in a laptop to be repaired he expects to receive not only the laptop’s hard drive, but the entire computer.

Man Says Sony Wants $140 To Repair Four-Month Old PS3
Robert bought a PlayStation 3, which crapped out him after four months, falling victim to the yellow light of death. He says he contacted Sony to get a repair, but the company insists on charging him $150 plus tax and shipping. This is odd, because Sony offers a one-year warranty on PS3s.

Dell Lies About Repairs, Ruins Vacation
Michael emailed us, and Dell, from a loaner computer while he’s on a trip. His own laptop isn’t working, and thanks to a steady stream of broken promises and incorrect information, now he’s stuck without access to the software and development files he needs for his work.

FAA Continues To Investigate American Airlines, May Charge Individual Mechanics
The FAA has been investigating American Airlines for a while now over allegations that it wasn’t repairing its planes properly, and yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that the agency may widen its investigation, and even bring charges against individual employees who signed off on substandard repairs.

Dell Slowly Sends Out Crappier Replacement Laptop
Yuriy’s Dell laptop conked out last month, and so far the company has said “Dude, you’re NOT getting a Dell” via its convoluted replacement process. All Yuriy has to show for the effort of trying to get the computer replaced is an inferior model.

Keurig: Sorry, Your Coffeemaker Can't Break Until Tomorrow
Kyle recently bought a small Keurig coffeemaker. Very recently. He’s fond of it, but when it started dispensing watered-down coffee, he knew something was wrong. So he called Keurig, who informed him that his machine wasn’t allowed to break until he had owned it for 30 days.

Ryder Charges Guy $200 For Damages He Didn't Cause, Gives Money Back
It doesn’t take much to please some customers. Patrick tells us Ryder charged him $200 for moving truck damages that already existed before he rented the vehicle.

UPDATED: Gamer Says Nintendo Will Now Fix Her Wii That It Broke
Last week we praised Nintendo and disparaged Sony for the way they handled reports from gamers that system updates broke their consoles.

Walmart Manager Is Super Helpful, Saves Dead TV
A few weeks ago, Kaleb wrote to us with a tale of television woe. The Polaroid TV he purchased at Walmart on Black Friday 2008 simply died, and Polaroid wouldn’t perform warranty service without his receipt. All was lost, until a Walmart manager went above and beyond to save Kaleb from his defective television.

So You Want To Sue The Company That's Screwing You Over
Jon wants us to recommend a good lawyer to sue HP for screwing him over on laptop repairs. We do not offer legal advice like that. We do, however, believe strongly in the power of small claims court.