
Potential Pancake Disasters: Walmart's Cooking Spray Looks A
Lot Like Their Furniture Polish

Potential Pancake Disasters: Walmart's Cooking Spray Looks A Lot Like Their Furniture Polish

You know, this can of Walmart cooking spray looks a lot like this can of Walmart furniture polish. To avoid any potential pancake disasters, it might be time for Walmart to start introducing some variety in how they design their in-house store brand of “Great Value” products. Also, you probably shouldn’t keep your furniture polish next to the syrup and pan spray in your cupboard at home. [More]

Pizza Place Employee Forces Customer To Undress, Beats With

Pizza Place Employee Forces Customer To Undress, Beats With Pipe

A Dallas-area pizza parlor employee forced an elderly customer to undress and beat him with a pipe after he tried to pay for his $17.60 meal with someone else’s credit card. According to the police report, the worker did it because he was “sick and tired of this type of thing happening at his business.” [More]

The Portable Armrest

The Portable Armrest

What does it say about our society that it has invented this, the portable armrest? [More]

Kroger Security Guard Shoots Homeless Man's Dog

Kroger Security Guard Shoots Homeless Man's Dog

A Nashville-area Kroger security guard got into a scuffle with a homeless man he says was stealing firewood and then shot and killed the man’s dog. [More]

Gold And Jewel-Encrusted Monopoly Game Heads To Wall Street

Gold And Jewel-Encrusted Monopoly Game Heads To Wall Street

A gold and jewel bedazzled version of Monopoly worth $2 million is heading to Wall Street this Friday. That’s not a metaphor. [More]

Delusional Thieves Caught Stealing Entire Mansions

Delusional Thieves Caught Stealing Entire Mansions

A ring of confused folk in Georgia are stealing entire million-dollar homes, deeding themselves the property with bogus paperwork and squatting inside. [More]

Capital One "No Hassles" Card Actually Kind Of A Hassle

Capital One "No Hassles" Card Actually Kind Of A Hassle

Reader Neurocat says he loves the rewards on his Capital One “No Hassles” Visa card. Cashing in points for $100 gift cards to Home Depot, Sears and the like is handy when you’ve just bought your first fixer-upper house. Then he was slightly late on two of his payments and the honeymoon was over. [More]

Best Buy Takes 115 Days To Repair Your Washer

Best Buy Takes 115 Days To Repair Your Washer

As if you needed further proof that buying the store-offered service plan is a bad deal, Terri says that it took Best Buy to 115 days to repair her LG front-loading washer. That’s a lot of days to go without clean undies. [More]

Didn't Pay $75 Fee? Firefighters Watch Your Home Burn To Ground

Didn't Pay $75 Fee? Firefighters Watch Your Home Burn To Ground

A Tennessee man watched in horror last week as flames consumed his house. Also watching? The local subscription-based fire department. The man had not paid his $75 firefighting fee, so the firemen would not lift a finger or a hose. [More]

Man Gets $126 In Fees Refunded After Bar Charged Him Twice For One Drink

Man Gets $126 In Fees Refunded After Bar Charged Him Twice For One Drink

Freddy was furious. $126 in overdraft fees? Even though his balance is sometimes down to the wire, he is careful to make sure he has enough funds in his account. Ah yes, but this doesn’t account for when they mess up. [More]

Unbearably Noisy Biodegradable SunChips Bag Terminated

Unbearably Noisy Biodegradable SunChips Bag Terminated

18 months ago SunChips launched a new 100% biodegradable bag that, because of a unique molecular structure, sounds like a freakin’ lawnmower when you opened. After a drop in sales and a rise in consumers hating it, FritoLay is discontinuing the bags and retooling. Here is what one sounds like: [More]

Govt. Notices Rise Of "Debtor's Prisons," Doesn't Like Them

Govt. Notices Rise Of "Debtor's Prisons," Doesn't Like Them

An increasing tool of choice for collection agencies is getting folks thrown in jail for missing “financial assessment hearings,” even when the folks had good reason – like moving and never getting the letter – or the validity of the debt is in dispute. In addition, collectors are requesting forfeited bail to pay off judgement, turning our local jails into de facto debtor’s prisons, and the police into deputized debt collection agents. Now regulators and officials are taking notice, and taking action to curb some of the worst abuses. [More]

Ice Cream Truck Plays Christmas Creepy Jingle

Ice Cream Truck Plays Christmas Creepy Jingle

Reader Andrew snagged this phone camera video on September 29th of an ice cream truck enticing children with tinny renditions of Christmas carols. Ok, here’s one industry where it’s almost ok that they’ve been infected by the Christmas Creep. Ice cream trucks don’t really get a lot of business in the winter so if they want to play along, they have to start early. [More]

Man Gets 87,000 Rewards Points Back

Man Gets 87,000 Rewards Points Back

Andy and his wife were saving up for a trip for Hawaii. They had 87,000 points, which represented $87,000 they had spent accumulating these points. Out of nowhere, Citibank closed his account and gave him no chance to get his points. [More]

Bar Charges Me Twice For A Drink, I Get $126 In Overdraft Fees

Bar Charges Me Twice For A Drink, I Get $126 In Overdraft Fees

Freddy watches his balances like a hawk, so he was surprised when TD Bank hit him for $126 in overdraft fees. Turns out the bar he had gone to had accidentally charged his debit card twice for one of his drinks, and though he was careful to stay within his low balance, it set the stage for a cascade of fees. [More]

Megabus Bursts Into Flames

Megabus Bursts Into Flames

A Megabus enroute to Chicago from Detroit was engulfed by fire this Tuesday, forcing the driver to flee for his life, abandoning the bus by the side of the highway as it turned to cinder. [More]

No Free Burritos At Chipotle For Dressing In Foil This Halloween

No Free Burritos At Chipotle For Dressing In Foil This Halloween

This year instead of a free burrito, showing up to Chipotle on All Hallow’s Eve wrapped in tin foil will only score you a discounted $2 burrito. “It cost us a fortune,” Mark Crumpacker, Chipotle’s chief marketing officer told Advertising Age. “And it wasn’t doing a whole heck of a lot for me from a marketing perspective.” Expensive + ineffectual, seems a good reason to stop doing something. [More]

A&P Mails You Back Keys You Drunkenly Left In Cab A Month Ago

A&P Mails You Back Keys You Drunkenly Left In Cab A Month Ago

Shopper club cards might be part of an Orwellian masterplan to scrutinize your purchasing habits, but they also have another, less well-known use. Zach says that after an evening of drunken frolicking around New York, he lost his keys. A month later, this showed up in his mailbox. [More]