
Making Price Drops Conditional On Extended Warranty Purchase Could Be Illegal

Making Price Drops Conditional On Extended Warranty Purchase Could Be Illegal

A few days ago we wrote about haggling at retail stores and how some sales people will cut you a deal if you get the extended warranty, since they earn commission off selling those. Well, reader Stephen writes:

In Michigan at least, it is illegal for a rep to base a price reduction on the purchase of an extended warranty. A few years ago, I was buying a returned Tivo from Best Buy, and the SA tried to tell me he’d give me a better price if I bought the plan. I stopped him right there, told him I knew that this was illegal and that he knew it too. Suddenly the lower prices was no longer conditional on the purchase of the extended service plan.

Something to remember next time you’re wrangling over that HDTV. Michigan’s statute, inside…

5 Things Your Customers Aren't Telling You

5 Things Your Customers Aren't Telling You

I’m working on a 20-minute presentation to be delivered before a bunch of marketing dudes and dudettes and I’ve been tasked with delivering my attempt at insights about The Consumerist and marketing in general. I’ve come up with a general framework of “The 5 Things Your Customers Aren’t Telling You” and wanted to throw them out to see what you all think and see whether they’re a good representation of our overarching themes and beliefs. Here’s what I’ve got so far:

Verizon Erases, Then Restores, Dead Wife's Lost Voice

Verizon Erases, Then Restores, Dead Wife's Lost Voice

Verizon snipped one of the few remaining threads connecting Charles Whiting to his dead wife when they upgrade the 80-year-old man’s phone system. The update erased his wife saying, “The Whitings aren’t home,” a message Mr. Whiting listened to every day for the comfort it gave him. When Whiting called to complain, he was left on hold for an hour and was then disconnected. Then he waited on hold for another 90 minutes, only to be told that his wife’s voice was lost forever. Whiting said, “It was like she was still with me when I heard that. Now they took her voice away.” After his story hit the news circuit, Verizon restored the previously “irretrievable” message. Amazing how a little bad press works to get good customer service.


A woman says she found a strange white substance, which police identified as crack, in her fish sandwich bought at Rally’s. The fast food place says, “We take the matter very seriously, and are committed to the safety of our food and customers.” [News12]

Consumerist Forums Roundup

Consumerist Forums Roundup

The 10 Lies A Door-to-Door Alarm Salesman Tells

The 10 Lies A Door-to-Door Alarm Salesman Tells

Taylor sells home alarm systems door-to-door, and he is the devil, lying, manipulating, and preying on customer’s fears push a product. Now he has stepped forward to confess/brag about his sins: [More]

4.2 Million Credit Cards Exposed In Hannaford Supermarket Security Breach

4.2 Million Credit Cards Exposed In Hannaford Supermarket Security Breach

A security breach at the Hannaford east coast supermarket chain has lead to the exposure of some 4.2 million credit cards. The company said it was aware of at least 1,800 cases of fraud directly connected to the breach. If you shopped at Hannaford’s from Dec. 7 to March 10., when the breach is thought to have occurred, now is a great time to close your current credit and debit cards and get new ones. Side note: when clicking around their official website we found many sub-pages are down, saying they’re currently “undergoing site maintenance.”

United Can't Find A Power Outlet On A Plane For Your Life Saving Medical Device

United Can't Find A Power Outlet On A Plane For Your Life Saving Medical Device

Reader Glenn was traveling to Thailand with a group of friends. Glenn and another member of the group have issues with Sleep Apnea, a potentially life threatening disorder where sufferers stop breathing in their sleep. Fortunately, a simple medical device called a C-Pap machine can be used during sleep to correct the problem. So Glenn, being the informed responsible consumer he is, contacted the airline the group was booked on, United, to make sure that he’d be able to use his C-Pap machine during the god-awfully long trip from Boston to Thailand. United said, sure, no problem, they’d be able to get him an outlet for his machine. Then, they canceled his booking. Without telling him. But wait! It gets worse!

On The Radio, FiOS Free TV Promotion Changed To Free Gift Cards

Further distancing itself from its problematic free TV promotion (which for some customer has so far been lacking in free TVs), a reader in the Bronx reports that Verizon FiOS triple-play bundle ads on the radio are now offering $200 gift cards for Circuit City. As previously noted, the TV ads are now touting free Samsung digital cameras.

RIAA Pockets Filesharing Settlement Money, Doesn't Pay Artists Whose Copyrights Were Infringed

RIAA Pockets Filesharing Settlement Money, Doesn't Pay Artists Whose Copyrights Were Infringed

None of the estimated $400 million that the RIAA received in settlements with Napster, KaZaA, and Bolt over allegations of copyright infringement has gone to the artists whose copyrights were allegedly infringed. Now the artists are considering suing the RIAA.

Black & Decker Food Processor Comes With Creepy Religious Materials

Black & Decker Food Processor Comes With Creepy Religious Materials

Ever wonder how Jesus and American Idol are different? Reader Jessica didn’t, even after she found a religious pamphlet on the subject in a Black & Decker food processor she picked up at Walmart. She is now “totally creeped out,” and doesn’t quite know how to respond.

HP Replaces Missing Laptop After 3 Months

HP Replaces Missing Laptop After 3 Months

Remember N? He last saw his laptop in December after shipping it to HP for desperately needed repairs. After posting the story HP reached out to N, who tells us that he just received a spanking new machine. Read N’s reaction and his tips for handling similar situations, after the jump.

OfficeMax Ships Spindle Of CD-Rs Without The Spindle

OfficeMax Ships Spindle Of CD-Rs Without The Spindle

Hey OfficeMax, Bill ordered a spindle of CD-Rs, not a batch of CD-Rs carelessly dumped into a box without the spindle or any protective cushioning. Did you seriously think he wouldn’t notice or complain about the pell-mell packing job? Unsurprisingly, the CD-Rs are scratched and ruined. Bill isn’t pleased, but he’s taking the flub in stride.

Recover Stolen Purchases Without Breaking A Sweat

Recover Stolen Purchases Without Breaking A Sweat

Lars writes:

Something pretty bad happened to me the other week that ended up being pretty cool, and speaks well to the quality of customer service at my local Burlington Coat Factory.

HP Won't Issue New Drivers For Leopard, Tells You To Buy A New Printer

HP Won't Issue New Drivers For Leopard, Tells You To Buy A New Printer

Matt’s Officejet 6110 scans perfectly under Ubuntu, but won’t play nice with Leopard. When Matt called HP for support, he was told that the company has no plans to issue new drivers so he should just buy a new printer. To soften the blow, the tech mentioned HP’s trade-in program, which would give Matt a whopping $16 for his printer.

Walmart Saves You $10 By Refusing To Sell You Anything

Walmart Saves You $10 By Refusing To Sell You Anything

Last night I was grocery shopping at my local Walmart, to beat the insane weekend crowds. Upon finishing checkout, I swiped my card and signed. Then the system beeped, the cashier asks to see ID. I tell her that I don’t have it on me. She gets the manager. The manager informs me that due to a recent 8 incidents of credit card theft that she won’t process my transaction unless i can prove who I am. I normally do keep my driver’s license on hand. I do not carry cash. I have had a credit not work in the past and the manager gladly processed my purchase by manually punching in the numbers. It’s insane that a billion dollar company is concerned about $130 cart of groceries. If I was a thief, my cart would have had more than just milk,eggs and bread in it.

Wanna See The Red Sox Play The Reds? You Must Also Buy Tickets To Three Other Games

Wanna See The Red Sox Play The Reds? You Must Also Buy Tickets To Three Other Games

A Bostonian now living in Cincinnati, reader Patrick was excited to see that this year’s Major League Baseball schedule includes a Red Sox at Reds series. He went to the Reds’ ticket website to buy tickets for his family, friends, and himself. That’s where things got ridiculous.

Customer Convicted For Shoving 75-Year-Old Walmart Receipt Checker

Customer Convicted For Shoving 75-Year-Old Walmart Receipt Checker

Donald Lynch, certified public accountant, was convicted of misdemeanor assault after pushing a 75-year-old Walmart greeter who wanted to check his receipt, reports The Chronicle. Lynch said the greeter tried to block him by pushing against him with his shoulder. Security tape showed the greeter flying to the floor. While an employee has no right to touch you, you also don’t have a right to shove them on the floor, especially if they’re septuagenarian!