While drive-thru customer service would be a delightful innovation in the mobile phone business, it is not yet available at T-Mobile stores. Even if it did exist, “drive-thru” doesn’t mean you actually drive through the store; a lesson that one angry T-Mo customer in Florida apparently forgot when trying to express her rage. [More]

Do Not Drive Your Truck Into A Gas Station Instead Of Prepaying
A man in Alabama has been charged with attempted murder and resisting arrest after allegedly driving his truck into a gas station. According to Jefferson County police, the suspect was angry that the only pump available was pre-pay only. [More]

Do Not Back Your Car Into A KFC Employee Because She Forgot Your Condiments
Here’s some advice for you. If the KFC employee forgets your condiments, do not back your car into her. This is an overreaction on your part.

Throwing A Monitor Through A Glass Door Is Not The Best Way To Complain About Iron Man
If something goes wrong with the projection while you’re watching Iron Man, (or any other movie, actually) and the ticket agent will not give you a refund, do not grab the monitor and throw it through a glass door.

Calm Down, British Airways Looking To Hire "Air Rage Investigator"
The post has been advertised against a backdrop of a sharp rise in the number of air rage incidents. According to the Civil Aviation Authority’s latest statistics, the number of incidents has increased from one in every 27,000 flights in 2002-3 to one in every 16,000 flights in 2005-6.

Consumers Confused, Angry, Relatively Literate
We received several complaints today that don’t warrant a full posting on their own. Instead, they find home here, in a little place we like to call “Inchoate Consumer Rage Disproportionate to the Complaint’s Severity.”