rachael ray


No, You Can’t Pay Someone $700 To Get You On Oprah’s TV Shows

Maybe you’ve got a few things you’d like to weigh in on via a national show on a major network, like CNN or Oprah Winfrey’s eponymous entity. But believe us when we say, if the Rachael Ray people or Today want to get you on TV as an expert, it’ll be free. In other words, you shouldn’t be paying a PR firm hundreds of dollars to appear on talk shows. [More]

Rachael Ray's Magazine Assumes You're Okay With Fewer Issues

Rachael Ray's Magazine Assumes You're Okay With Fewer Issues

Guess what, subscribers of Every Day With Rachael Ray? You’re getting fewer issues this year because of 40 pages being added to a “special” Thanksgiving issue. You won’t find out until that magazine arrives, however, as one Consumerist reader wrote in to tell us. [More]