What’s the first thing you want to do when you see an adorable puppy? Probably snuggle and cuddle the heck out of it. But federal officials say there’s a multistate outbreak of a nasty bacteria going around, and it’s being spread by puppies sold at a national pet store chain. [More]
puppy mills

Undercover Investigation: Boutique Pet Store Hid Sick Puppies’ Illnesses From Buyers
What was your dog’s life like before you brought him home? If you bought him from a pet store in New York and he was sick, the people selling him are supposed to disclose his full health information. But according to a recent undercover investigation conducted by the Humane Society, one boutique pet shop in Manhattan has been covering up illnesses among its high-priced pooches. [More]

GoDaddy Pulls Super Bowl Ad Featuring Danica Patrick Amid Puppy Mill Complaints
If GoDaddy wanted to find out how people feel about puppy mills, well, it’s done that, at the cost of one of its intended Super Bowl ads. After a tease of the spot hit the web, featuring a lost puppy who finds his way back to Danica Patrick, the driver for an online puppy business, the public lashed out at GoDaddy through social media. [More]

L.A. Pet Shops Won’t Be Able To Sell Pets From Puppy Mills
Following similar bans by smaller municipalities in the U.S. and Canada, the Los Angeles City Council has tentatively adopted a ban on pet stores’ sales of many animals obtained from commercial breeders. [More]

NYC Pet Stores Linked To Midwest Puppy Mills
An undercover video investigation shows that many New York area pet stores are getting their pets stocked by so-called “puppy mills” with a history of USDA violations. [More]

Los Angeles County Battles Puppy Mills With Law
In an effort to make it tougher for breeders to crank out dogs as though they were on an assembly line, Los Angeles County passed a law that’s meant to curtail puppy mills. [More]

West Hollywood To Ban Retail Sales Of Cats And Dogs
West Hollywood has a history of animal rights activism, culminating most recently in the 2003 ban on declawing cats. Tonight, the city council is expected to pass an ordinance that will ban pet stores from selling cats and dogs, reports the Los Angeles Times. If enacted, it will be the second place that bans such business after South Lake Tahoe, which is also in California but right up against the Nevada border. “Humanely bred, reared, or sheltered animals” would be exempt, notes the paper. Also worth noting: there are no pet stores within the city limits. [More]

Petland Puppy Mill Lawsuit Smacked On Nose By Judge, Told To Refile
A class action lawsuit against alleged puppy-mill-patronizing petstore chain Petland was thrown out by a federal judge in Arizona last week, but the suit isn’t over yet. Lawyers representing the humans of six puppies from Petland have until the end of August to refile their suit, and they plan to do so.

Petland Sends Really Snarky Email To Puppy Mill Protesters
Who knew Petland could be so snarky? Here’s a really bitchy email Chris Beth, their director of Regional Operations, sent the head of a group of protesters who have been demonstrating outside a Petland store in Plano Texas over Petland’s alleged use of puppy mills. Bet he never thought it would end up on the internets:

Petland Uses Puppy Mills
After an eight-month investigation, the Humane Society of the United States accused Petland, the national pet store chain, of selling dogs bred under appalling conditions at puppy mills around the country.