
Credit Card Processors Aren’t Buying Netflix’s EMV Shift Excuse

Credit Card Processors Aren’t Buying Netflix’s EMV Shift Excuse

When Netflix announced its quarterly results this week, they had an explanation for why their new subscriber number fell short of their projections. The shift to smart-chip (or EMV) payment cards means that the service lost some subscribers while customers received new card numbers and forgot to change them over. That’s a good story, but people in the banking business have some issues with it. [More]

Congrats, World, You Will Snarf 21 Million Tons Of Cheese In 2015

Cheese is on track to blow up, baby. Global Industry Analysts projects a 20 percent worldwide increase in cheese-munching from 2008 to 2015, when the world will gobble 21 million metric tons of the stuff, according to a press release on PR Web. [More]