This research paper, authored by the same people listed as authors in the AOL data’s README, reveals what AOL had hoped for people to do with the data.
privacy concerns

Why Might AOL’s Data Release Be A Big, Big Problem?
TechCrunch thinks there could be privacy breaches as people look up personal info which can then be correlated to their other searches.

AOL User 927 Illuminated
Aroused by the thought of juicy big piles of AOL user search data? Consumerist does the wading for you and finds a delightful little item, AOL User 927.

AOL Releases 500,000+ User Search Records
Internets are aflame overAOL ‘s publication of the search queries for 650,000+ users . This means that it shows what you typed into the AOL search engine, be it “hardball” or “hardcore.”