
Netflix Aims To Destroy Blockbuster, Drops Prices Yet Again

Netflix Aims To Destroy Blockbuster, Drops Prices Yet Again

Netflix has dropped the price of their 3 movie at a time service… again, says Consumerist’s sister site Gizmodo. We don’t really know what else to say about it because it was only a few weeks ago that we posted the last Netflix price-cut.

Leaks: "Time Warner Cable Vs NFL Network" Customer Retention Document

Leaks: "Time Warner Cable Vs NFL Network" Customer Retention Document

Time Warner Cable is, like Comcast, currently warring with the NFL network over who should pay for the network. Time Warner, like Comcast, says the NFL channel should be placed on a pay tier so that only the fans who want to watch the games will have to pay the $100 million dollars its going to cost Time Warner to carry the channel.

How Far Will Different Cars Go On One Tank Of Gas?

How Far Will Different Cars Go On One Tank Of Gas?

Bankrate has an oddly fun interactive tool that easily calculates how far different types of cars will go on a single tank of gas. The tool also lets you imput the price of gas in your area, so you can easily see how much you’ll be paying when its time to fill up.

Milk Prices Hitting Record Highs, No End In Sight

Milk Prices Hitting Record Highs, No End In Sight

Good news for the American Dairy Farmer, bad news for you: Milk prices are hitting record highs and there’s no end in sight as increased demand from new markets such as China and India drive prices through the roof.

Gas Prices Drop By 10 Cents, Chicago Has Nation's Most Expensive Gas

Gas Prices Drop By 10 Cents, Chicago Has Nation's Most Expensive Gas

Gas prices have dropped by about $0.10 this week according to a national survey quoted by CNN Money.

XBOX 360 Gets $50 Cheaper Tomorrow

XBOX 360 Gets $50 Cheaper Tomorrow

The rumored 20 gigabyte XBOX 360 price cut goes into effect tomorrow according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. If you’re in the market for an XBOX, don’t buy one today or you’ll pay $50 more for no reason.

Microsoft Cuts Prices In Order To Compete With Chinese Pirates

Microsoft Cuts Prices In Order To Compete With Chinese Pirates

Can’t beat ’em? Compete with them! Microsoft has lowered their prices in China in an attempt to thwart pirating.

Starbucks Raises Prices

Starbucks Raises Prices

Starbucks has announced that they’re raising prices on most of their “freshly made” drinks, including coffee, Frappuccinos, some “tea-based” drinks, and yes the much-loved latte.

Supreme Court Allows Manufacturers To Dictate Minimum Prices, Screws Consumers

Supreme Court Allows Manufacturers To Dictate Minimum Prices, Screws Consumers

The Supreme Court ruled today in Leegin v. PSKS that manufacturers can collude with retailers to set the minimum prices of products, arguing that such a decision was good for competition. Succumbing to the court’s recent bender of conservatism is a 96 year-old precedent from Dr. Miles v Park that held minimum price accords as intrinsically – or in legalese, “per se” – illegal. Writing for the majority, swing-Justice Anthony Kennedy showed kiddies the dangers of taking crazy pills:

Confessions Of A Starbucks Barista

Confessions Of A Starbucks Barista

Jesse, who has worked at Starbucks for almost a year, has written a mythbusting “Buyer’s Guide” that will help you in your quest to save money when ordering your favorite Starbucks beverage. Our favorite tips? Frappucinos are a rip off, there’s no free ride at the drive-thru, and ordering a latte with chai syrup is cheaper than a chai with espresso.

Starbucks: How Much Your Drink Costs Depends On How You Order It

Starbucks: How Much Your Drink Costs Depends On How You Order It

An Americano is espresso and water.

How Much Would You Pay For This?

Thank you, Patrick and Stev. You are true Consumerists. —MEGHANN MARCO

The History Of The Price Of Coke

The History Of The Price Of Coke

Coke itself was taxed first as a medicine, then as a soft drink, and survived sugar rationing. All the while, the price stayed at a nickel.

Is Everybody Ready For $4 Gas?

Is Everybody Ready For $4 Gas?

“I think it’s going to happen,” said Phil Flynn, a senior market analyst at Alaron Trading in Chicago. “Unless things change dramatically, I think we’re going to see $4 a gallon.”

Time To Call And Ask For A Discount, Comcast Revenue Up 80%

Time To Call And Ask For A Discount, Comcast Revenue Up 80%

As you well know, calling your cable company and calmly telling them they’re way overpriced will likely result in your cable bill being lowered significantly. Don’t believe us? Try it.

The More You Stuff You Sell Through Walmart, The Lower Your Gross Profit Margin

The More You Stuff You Sell Through Walmart, The Lower Your Gross Profit Margin

To measure the “Wal-Mart effect” on profits across different industries, Forbes analyzed information compiled by Revere to compare the percentage of sales that various firms generated through Wal-Mart in fiscal 2006 to the gross margins those firms produced during the same period, as compiled by FactSet . The survey covered 333 companies in six industry sectors–apparel & accessories, consumer games & electronics, household accessories, food & beverage, personal care and leisure goods–that Revere identified as heavy Wal-Mart sellers and their competitors.

We’ve summarized their results inside.

FCC Chairman Supports a la Carte Cable, Needs Congressional Support

FCC Chairman Supports a la Carte Cable, Needs Congressional Support

The FCC official said Martin testified that an a la carte law was justified because nominal cable rates kept rising and because consumers who tend to watch 15-17 channels still need to buy dozens of channels they don’t want in order to see their favorites.

Kmart: $20 HDTV! No, Just Kidding.

Kmart: $20 HDTV! No, Just Kidding.

If you saw that Kmart’s website had a listing for a $20 HDTV, would you try to buy it? Or would you assume it was a mistake? If you did try to buy it and they canceled your order, would you be mad?