
Retailers Say Walmart’s Early Black Friday Won’t Affect Prices

Will Walmart’s extremely early holiday price cuts, or “rollbacks,” inspire other retailers to follow suit?

Shave Decimals Off The Gallon With MSN Autos

Shave Decimals Off The Gallon With MSN Autos

Truth in Advertising, Courtesy of Sunoco

Truth in Advertising, Courtesy of Sunoco

Gordon Gekko to Blame for High Gas Prices

Looking for someone to blame for high gas prices? An editorial on the Arizona Republic claims it isn’t fat-cat oil barons taking enemas of sweet crude whilst squatting over solid gold bidets in their fancy European palaces that are jacking up the price of oil: it’s Michael Douglas from Wall Street, trading in hedge funds over his torso-sized army field phone.

Hawaiian Gas Cap Bleeds Customers Even Drier

Hawaiian Gas Cap Bleeds Customers Even Drier

Now that we are all paying for gas not with money (who can afford it?) but priceless, non-inflationary currencies like our daughter’s virginities and healthy human livers, you might start thinking that the government should get involved. “They should regulate, control and cap gasoline prices for our nation’s motorists!” you might cry.

Find Cheap Gas

Find Cheap Gas

Two tools for finding cheap gas teats nearby are Cheap Gas and MSN Autos. The first integrates Gas Buddy with Google Maps. Bill Gates’ offering displays pricing info from over 90,000 gas stations nationwide using data from the OPIS Price Index.

Poll: Gas Station Pummelling

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Sympathy For The Devil; Oil’s Makeover

Sympathy For The Devil; Oil’s Makeover

As of late, the oil industry finds itself suffering an image malfunction. Petrol makers have hired Blue Worldwide, the advertising wing of PR giant Edelman. Another one of Edelman’s clients is Wal-Mart. But is that enough? McCain attacked major oil companies last week over reckless profiteering: “Outside of satanic cults, these people have the worst P.R. of anybody in the world.”

The Coffee Wars Have Begun

The Coffee Wars Have Begun

The price of another kind of sweet, life-nurturing crude is set to spike: thanks to a bad year in Brazil and growing consumer demand in Eastern Europe and Asia, there may not be enough coffee to meet demand over the next two years. Prices will be going up. A global coffee crisis may well be imminent.

Democrats to Exploit Oil Anger in Upcoming Elections

Democrats to Exploit Oil Anger in Upcoming Elections

    “Democrats running for Congress are moving quickly to use the most recent surge in oil and gasoline prices to bash Republicans over energy policy, and more broadly, the direction of the country.

Oil Companies Exploiting Gas Crisis?

Oil Companies Exploiting Gas Crisis?

According to a study released Tuesday by the Foundation for Taxpayer & Consumer Rights, oil companies are using rising crude oil prices to smokescreen record profiteering.

Swiss Air Price Efficiency Like Broken Cuckoo Clock

Swiss Air Price Efficiency Like Broken Cuckoo Clock

Has Swiss International Airline been snorting fermented milk-maiden lactate?

Trader Joe’s NYC Sets Cork Pop Date

Trader Joe’s NYC Sets Cork Pop Date

Hark the herald and sing the angels, the Manhattan Trader Joe’s announced a date, via hand-drawn sign, per usual, for its wine shop to open. April 10th. Gotham City street beat reporter Bucky Turco writes that’s, “5 days before tax day. Who said Trader Joe’s weren’t savvy marketers.”

Consumers Protest Exorbitant Text Message Prices

Consumers Protest Exorbitant Text Message Prices

Here in America, we’re in the digital stone age, at least as far as how widespread the adoption of some cool new technologies are. There’s not universal broadband (which the US Government paid the telcos to implement; instead they built up more DSL because there’s more money to be made on it), wi-fi coverage is intermittent and text message use is a lot less pervasive than in most European countries. In Italy they have tons of teenagers showing up in hospitals with repetive stress injuries directly resulting from punching out reams of text messages.

JetBlue Plans Price Hike

JetBlue Plans Price Hike

Jetblue wants to increase ticket prices around $10 per ticket.