We asked The Consumerist’s resident American Apparel lurker, Weronika Cwir (pictured), what she thought of Laurelle’s resignation letter we posted earlier this week. The letter was written prior to Weronika’s matriculation at the AA school of the future of the now, but she did manage to pen a heartfelt and revealing response that paints a softer side of the vestment micro-giant.

Pith & Vinegar: The Spinning of the Chum
• Old news but we didn’t talk about it yet: Telcos secretly funding anti-net-neutrality websites. Probably made by the same ad agency who did the pro-C02 spot. [Digg]
Carbon Dioxide is Our Friend
Would you believe that some heartless politicians are trying to take our greenhouse effect carbon dioxide away from us? This film by the “Competitive Enterprise Institute” shows us the Washington fatcats diabolical plans to deprive us of nature’s invisible little helper.

Oozinator Doesn’t Want Our Interview
We submitted our questions to Hasbro PR but for some strange reason we can’t fathom, they’re less than oozing out of their suits to speak with us.

Ask The Consumerists: What’s in the Ooze?
We’re on a quest. We want to interview the Oozinator. We want to find out what was going on in Hasbro’s minds when they created this product and its advertising.

Why Marketers Are Douchebags
There’s an article yesterday on Mediapost that we’re not sure what to think of. It’s called, “What To Do With The Haters” and it’s all about how companies should engage irate customers online in public forums.

Paypal’s PR Agency Promises to Help Resolve Consumerist Reader Complaint
Last week we wrote about Max, who tried to send money to his friend through Paypal but found himself ensnarled in a technical and customer service nightmare. In the end, his road of good intentions lead to B”anned from Paypal and Ebay Land,” a decidedly unhappy place excised from The Wizard of Oz as it frightened the focus group children terribly so.

Banksy Pranks British Telecom with Bloody Telephone Booth
This retro British Telecom (BT) telephone box, pierced by pick axe, was a recent unauthorized outdoor art installation by guerrilla artist Banksy in London’s SoHo square. It was removed shortly afterwards by the London City Council.

Boycotting Companies’ Politics
Business Week has a fascinating article up looking at the political donations of various American companies and the consumer boycotts that have resulted. There are numerous examples of companies going ‘Blue’ or going ‘Red’ and consequently finding themselves in a Public relations nightmare, as opponents begin launching major campaigns through television, radio and blogs, attacking the company’s political choices.

Carl’s Jr. Puts the XXX in Customer Service
As if a dripping Paris Hilton weren’t enough slut factor, Carl’s Jr. has gone the extra six inches to ensure they emphasize the service in their customer service “hot” lines.
How To Apologize, for Politicans and Companies Alike
From Brownlee’s neck of the woods — Dublin, Ireland’s industrial metropolis — we saw this article on issuing a good apology. Although primarily aimed at apologies issued by politicians, it should be taken as gospel by the hand waving, “We Understand Your Concern” PR gorgons we so actively loathe. We won’t sully Tom Savage’s points with any more forward commentary. Check it out:

McDonald’s Spicy Chicken Gets Hosed
McDonald’s pulled a “guerilla” stunt to promote its new spicy chicken sandwich. As shown, a boring billboard was sprayed down with by a fireman with a hose from a fire truck.

Interview With PR Spokesperson On Mass Graves For Terrorist Holocaust
Okay, we’re going on record saying we have no idea if this interview between Gene Weingarten of the Washington Post and Heather R. Huhman, a PR spokesperson for National Funeral Director’s Association is legit. It’s just too perfect. Gene’s side of the interview is the sort of wouldn’t-that-have-been-great witticism that only comes about by mulling a conversation over for hours afterwards. And Heather R. Huhman — from her protests-too-much, “I’m Human! Really!” name to her mindless public relations babbling — is the kind of straight-man that only exists in the magical realm of make believe.

Wal-Mart Buys MLK Juice
Wal-Mart purchased another gilt bullhorn, this time, in the form of a former aide to Martin Luther King Jr.