The evening rush hour proved to be a bit more titillating than usual for commuters at Washington, D.C.’s Union Station on Monday, when an advertising screen suddenly started showing explicit porn videos. [More]

Starbucks Joins McDonald’s In Blocking Porn Access On Free WiFi
You won’t be able to watch a skin flick with your morning latte at Starbucks anymore: the coffee chain says it’ll join McDonald’s in adding a pornography filter to its in-store WiFi. [More]

McDonald’s Starts Blocking Porn Access Over Free WiFi
If you’ve been using McDonald’s free WiFi to check out the latest porn while eating a McGriddle, we’ve got some bad news for you.

Target Believes Porn That Played Over California Store’s PA System Come From An Outside Source
A few weeks ago, shoppers at a California Target received an unsettling surprise when the unmistakable sounds of professional coitus aired loud and clear over the store’s PA system. While an investigation into the incident continues, the retailer believes the pornographic audio originated from an outside source. [More]

Woman Shopping At Target With Her Kids Shocked To Hear Porn Playing Over Store PA System
When you hear heavy breathing and moaning over the PA system at the store, either an employee is really excited to announce there’s a sale on dishwasher detergent or someone is playing porn for everyone to hear. One woman experienced the latter in a California Target on Wednesday, capturing the unmistakable sounds of professional coitus airing loud and clear over the store’s intercom. [More]

Appeals Court: Forcing Porn Stars To Wear Condoms Doesn’t Violate First Amendment
Even though many adults in non-monogamous relationships are using condoms, the porn industry has long held that using the prophylactic devices in sex scenes is a buzzkill. And in recent years porn auteurs have argued that laws mandating the use of condoms on XXX sets is a violation of the First Amendment. But yesterday, a federal appeals court said a rubber requirement isn’t enough to claim restriction of free expression. [More]

Air Canada Pilots Warned To Stop Sneaking Porn Into The Cockpit, Because Seriously?
Perhaps there’s something about the name that makes it a tempting locale to stash porn, but Air Canada pilots have been warned to stop sneaking porn into the cockpit, after several incidents where the airline found explicit content on planes. Because you know, there are other things to concentrate on when you’re flying a ginormous piece of metal through the sky, thousands of feet above the ground. [More]

Mobile Ads Overtake Porn As Most Likely Way To Get Malware On Your Phone
While malware dressed in pornography’s clothing used to be the most tempting for smartphone users, it’s been overtaken recently by mobile ads, says one online security company in its latest report. Which means that either our big clumsy figures are accidentally hitting things or we’d rather look at ads than naked body parts. [More]

Porn Company Digitally Removes Condoms From Video
In 2012, voters in Los Angeles County narrowly approved Measure B [PDF], a law that requires porn performers to wear condoms. Some fans of adult film fans complain that the use of condoms is distracting, and a number of studios are either ignoring the law or shooting outside of L.A. County. But one porno producer is going the high-tech route, digitally removing the prophylactic devices from its performers’ phalluses. [More]

UK Wants To Block All Internet Porn Unless Service Subscribers Ask To Disable Filters
It could become a lot more difficult to hop on the Internet and peruse whatever kind of adult content floats your boat in the United Kingdom: British Prime Minister Davide Cameron announced a plan today that would have Internet service providers block pornography by default. Anyone who wants to view adult content would need to ask for that filter to be removed. [More]

Watching Porn On A Smartphone Can Triple Your Chances Of Downloading Malware
Despite the ease of being entertained anywhere that comes with owning a smartphone, only about 1% of all mobile traffic is pornography — after all, maybe you don’t want that grandmother next to you on the bus to see you watching. But a new study says that for those people who do indulge on their devices, they’re putting their phones at a high risk of catching something unhealthy. And by that we mean malware, of course. [More]
Lawsuit: You Can't Charge Me With Downloading Porn Because You Can't Copyright Obscenity
For the first several years of the entertainment industry’s crackdown on online piracy, American pornographers did very little to go after the people who filled up gigabyte after gigabyte of hard drive space with bittorrented x-rated material. But in recent years, realizing there is money to be made by merely threatening “John Doe” defendants with making their names and downloading habits public, that has begun to change. But one California woman is fighting back, claiming that the porn she didn’t violate copyright laws because the porn she’s accused of downloading isn’t copyrightable. [More]

Minnesota County Doesn't Want Employees To Even Have Option Of Watching Hotel Porn
The notion of business travelers being forbidden from purchasing X-rated pay-per-view isn’t anything new. The erotic offerings are — so we hear — more expensive than other titles and very few employers want to foot the bill for them. But Winona County, MN, doesn’t just want to tell municipal employees not to order hotel porn; they don’t even want them staying at hotels that offer smutty selections. [More]

Wikipedia Begins Porn Purge-Fest
Hear that noise? It’s the Internet being scrubbed clean as Wikipedia’s parent company, Wikimedia Foundation, purges sexually explicit content from its websites. The clean-up comes after started looking into the existence of such graphic content and its ready availability to anyone, even unsuspecting school children. [More]

AT&T Lifts 4Chan Block, Was To Stop DDos Attacks
AT&T released a statement about their temporary blocking this weekend of troll haven 4chan for its customers. The company said the temporary block was to stop DDos attacks on one customer emanating from IP addresses associated with the site. After the threat was over, the block was lifted. Here’s the official release: