After nearly six years of legal wrangling over allegations of false advertising, the makers of POM Wonderful pomegranate beverages ran into a dead end this morning when the nation’s highest court refused to hear the company’s appeal. [More]
pom wonderful

Appeals Court Sides With FTC In POM Wonderful False Advertising Case
The Federal Trade Commission hasn’t let the bee out of its bonnet over health claims made by POM Wonderful that it says amount to deceptive advertising, having kept on the company’s case since 2010. Now, eight months after POM made its case before a federal appeals court that it’s not being misleading about the things its juice can do, the court is siding with the FTC. [More]

Supreme Court: POM Wonderful Can Go Ahead And Sue Coca-Cola Over Lack Of Pomegranates In Its Juice
POM Wonderful snagged a legal win today in one of its two ongoing cases: The U.S. Supreme Court sided with the juice maker in its decision, which said that POM can proceed with a lawsuit alleging that the label on Coca-Cola’s “Pomegranate Blueberry” is misleading because most of the drink is actually made of grape and apple juice. [More]

POM Wonderful Sends John Oliver Case Of Dog Juice To Shove Up His Arse
Last week, “Daily Show” alumnus John Oliver launched his new weekly comedy news show on HBO. Normally, this wouldn’t be something that we would care about, but the premiere show included a segment on dubious food advertising, starring POM Wonderful. The company responded to the segment with a lovely gift for the show’s staff. [More]

POM Wonderful Tries Again To Convince Court Its Ads Aren’t Misleading
For the last few years, the Federal Trade Commission has repeatedly spanked the makers of POM Wonderful beverages for making unsubstantiated advertising claims about the health benefits of its pomegranate juice products. But today in a federal appeals court, POM argued that the FTC went too far in regulating the ads in question. [More]

Definitely Don’t Print Out These Fake Labels And Put Them On Real Products
As Coca-Cola recently argued before the Supreme Court, you should be able to call your product anything you want so long as it embodies the essential character of that product… even if that means calling a beverage “pomegranate” juice when an entire bottle contains barely an eye-dropper’s worth of that ingredient. So what’s good for the goose is good for the consumer, right? [More]

Supreme Court Justices Grill Coca-Cola Over Scarcity Of Pomegranates In Pomegranate Juice
As the top judicial body in the land, the United States Supreme Court has asked some pretty tough questions in its day. But yesterday the justices had a question for Coca-Cola that doesn’t seem like it should be so tricky: Shouldn’t a juice labeled as “pomegranate and blueberry” actually include a fair amount of, um, pomegranates? And blueberries? [More]

Ad: POM Wonderful Got Sexy Eve Kicked Out of Eden
POM Wonderful has moved on from the FTC’s demand that the company prove that its products are effective against heart disease, prostate cancer and other conditions. A new TV ad for the beverage goes Biblical, featuring a sultry Eve sharing her Garden of Eden abode with a bottle of POM Wonderful instead of an apple. [More]