The current retail trend is for companies to shutter bricks-and-mortar stores and shift their focus to online sales. But plus-size apparel retailer Eloquii is going in the other direction and opening a handful of physical locations. [More]
plus-size clothing

Why Do Larger Clothes For Women Often Fit So Badly?
Anyone who’s ever bought clothing they’ve seen a model or a mannequin wearing has probably had that moment, when you get the item in your non-mannequin size, put it on, and… it just doesn’t fit well, now that it’s on a real person. Why does this happen? [More]

I Signed On To Sell Clothes, Not Force Magazine Subscriptions On People
L. works at a popular retailer of plus-sized women’s clothing, Avenue. Selling clothes is the job that she signed on for, and she doesn’t have a problem with that. It’s the credit cards and magazine add-ons her company wants employees to push on customers that make her uncomfortable. She vented in an e-mail to Consumerist about why this bothers her so much. [More]