We’ve previously reported that PlayStation 3 users will soon no longer need a disc to stream Netflix movies through the device. Now comes news that there will be an added perk when the revamped Netflix streaming app debuts on Oct. 18 — Dolby surround sound. [More]
playstation 3

Sony Auto-Renews My Membership Against My Will, Won't Budge
All Forrest wants to do is sign up for a year’s worth of Sony’s paid PlayStation Plus plan, which gives customers bonus features above and beyond the free service. He says customer service reps are forcing him to stick with a less cost-effective 3-month plan, which he accidentally bought due to an unintended auto-renewal. [More]

Sony Warns Gamers Its 3D Fare Might Sicken Them
It’s always an adventure when Sony, or most any company for that matter, updates its terms of service. Sony dropped a whopper recently, notifying gamers that 3D games could pose health risks. If your Super Stardust HD wingman is 6 years old or younger, Sony recommends you schedule a visit with the doctor to clear him for 3D gaming. [More]

Sony Is Making An Xbox Live-Like Cash Cow Of Its Own
Citing a swirl of whispers around the video game media world, 1Up reports Sony is set to announce PSN+, which will shake down gamers for $5 to $10 a month for perks such as cross-game voice chat, free play of the first hour of downloadable games and access to a rotating list of downloadable games. Online play should remain free for non PSN+ members, unlike Xbox Live. [More]

Man Sues Sony For Taking Away PS3 Feature Via Update
Not content to let Sony take away the PS3’s ability to let users install alternate operating systems such as Linux, a man is bringing a class action lawsuit against the company. [More]

Sony Says It Can Take Away Data, Content With Updates At Will
Sloopydrew says Sony sent him a new terms of service email with some harrowing declarations about the company’s rights to screw with your gadgets as it sees fit — sort of a retroactive justification for taking away the ability to install another operating system on the PS3 hard drive. [More]

Best Buy Sends Your Playstation 3 To New Jersey. You Live In Missouri.
Steve writes that his brother used to live in New Jersey. He now lives in Missouri. When ordering a Playstation 3 from Best Buy, he repeatedly corrected his address in Best Buy’s system, but somehow the PS3 still ended up shipped to his former address in New Jersey. Now Best Buy doesn’t intend to do anything until Steve’s brother convinces the current occupant of his former home in New Jersey to send the PS3 back. Good luck with that. [More]

This Is Either A Sex Toy Or The New PS3 Motion Controller
Sony announced its strange-looking motion controller, the PlayStation Move, today at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. The game will be compatible with Tiger Woods 11 (insert sex joke here), among other games. [More]

Sony Says It Has Un-broken Your PS3s It Broke From Afar
After somehow managing to break just about every older PS3 out there by letting its network crash, Sony claims it’s fixed the issue and everyone can start playing their stations again. [More]

Sony Asks "Fat" PlayStation 3 Users To Abstain During Bug Fix
In an update to yesterday’s global crash of the PlayStation Network that left many PS3 owners unable to use their systems, Sony has confirmed that the problem only affects that non-slim, or “fat,” PS3 units and has asked users to hold off on booting up until the problem is resolved. [More]

Sony Takes "Play" Out Of PlayStation 3 With Global Outage
Remember when all you had to do to get a glitchy video game working was pull the cartridge out of the Atari, blow into it, and re-insert? Well, not so much anymore. Millions of PlayStation 3 owners around the world are justifiably irate at the moment because an outage of Sony’s PlayStation Network isn’t just preventing users from playing online; it’s also keeping them from playing offline. [More]

If Your PS3 Thief Is A Moron, You Can MacGyver Its Recovery Via PSP
A theft victim claims he tracked down the guy who made off with his PS3 and several video games by using his PSP to turn on his console from afar and use the camera to snap an image of the bad guy. [More]

Man Says Sony Wants $140 To Repair Four-Month Old PS3
Robert bought a PlayStation 3, which crapped out him after four months, falling victim to the yellow light of death. He says he contacted Sony to get a repair, but the company insists on charging him $150 plus tax and shipping. This is odd, because Sony offers a one-year warranty on PS3s.

2007 Called With A Pretty Good 'Rock Band' Offer
Maybe excitement around the Rock Band video game has faded, but if you were one of the holdouts who were always jealous of friends who brought the game home a couple years back, now is the time to have your latent wishes fulfilled.

It's Been Two Months, So Sony Goes Ahead And Releases Another New PS3
If you went out and bought a PS3 Slim, thinking your new system would at least avoid obsolescence for the rest of the year, think again.

Geek Squad Will Plug In Your PS3 For Only $130
A Kotaku tipster notified the video game blog that Best Buy’s Geek Squad is offering what can only be described as the deal of the century. Something even better than that awe-inspiring CD ripping service.