At the beginning of last year, in what was totally not a ploy for free publicity, Playboy magazine decided to get rid of nude photos. The magazine hoped to expand its sales by publishing beautiful ladies in lingerie or bikinis. Either the scheme didn’t work as planned, or the magazine just missed the beautiful naked ladies it had for its first 62 years: As of this month’s issue, nudes are back. [More]

Playboy Reportedly Looking To Sell Itself
A mansion with Hugh Hefner inside might not be the only thing Playboy Enterprises is looking to get off its hands: the company is reportedly toying with the idea of selling itself. [More]

Well, At Least Advertisers Like The Nudity-Free Version Of Playboy Better
A few months ago, Playboy magazine announced that it would be acknowledging that the Internet is a thing and getting rid of full-frontal nude pictures, going for more PG-rated content, wider availability in stores, and some nice free publicity. Is it working? The magazine’s most important customers are pleased with the change: advertisers. [More]

Playboy Learns Internet Exists, Getting Rid Of Nude Photos
Playboy magazine, for all its fame as a purveyor of airbrushed breasts and well-lit derrieres, has never really had much in the way of nudity compared to competitors. Now that just about any innocent search on the Internet will eventually bring up more bared flesh than a full issue of Playboy, the magazine has decided it’s about time to put some clothes on. [More]

170 Get Sick After Spending Time At Playboy Mansion
A bacterial outbreak at a Playboy Mansion fundraiser Feb. 3 has left dozens reeling, believed to have been infected with legionellosis. The malady has caused flu-like systems in 170 people who attended the event. [More]

Playboy Goes From 'Jack It' To 'Jacket' In Online Venture
Playboy has got things all backwards — the fabled skin rag has made a web site that leaves the nude pictures behind. [More]

VIDEO: Time Warner Cable Sorry For Showing Playboy Footage On Kids' Channels
The folks at Time Warner Cable had lots of apologizing to do yesterday after viewers in some parts of North Carolina were treated to footage of naked ladies on what are listed as two different children’s channels. [More]

World Realizes Internet Has Free Porn, Stops Caring About Playboy
Playboy lost $13.7 million in the first quarter of 2009, stirring pangs of nostalgia in the company for those halcyon days of first quarter 2008, when the publisher lost only $4.2 million. Late last year Playboy closed its DVD arm and enacted massive layoffs, but the savings weren’t quite able to offset lost print and digital ad revenue, which dropped 26 percent from a year ago.

Lancer’s Shirts’ Machofascismo
ve got a nice campaign piece for jackboots. From 1996 issue of Playboy.