Happy Pi Day! March 14, or 3/14, represents the first three digits of pi, an essential constant in math that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. This has important meaning even to those of us who aren’t math geeks: Restaurants and retailers mark the occasion with promotions featuring special prices on pies or on pizzas. You know, pizza pies, but they’re also both round foods. [More]
pi day

Here’s Where You Can Get Deals And Freebies In Celebration Of Pi Day
If you’re a person who likes free or discounted food, congratulations! You’ve got a lot of company, and we freebie lovers like to support each other as much as we can. Which is why we’d like to share with you a few places you can get deals today, March 14, or 3/14, in celebration of Pi Day.

How To Successfully Bake A Cherpumple Cake In Honor Of Pi Day
What a wacky thing Pi Day is — celebrating today’s date, 3/14, which is like the first three digits of Pi, 3.14, with dessert? Whatever! Pie is yummy, say the masses. You can ramp up that devotion to Pi/pie day with the cherpumple- – a cherry pie, apple pie and pumpkin pie, all baked into a cake. [More]