phone numbers

Reach Equifax Customer Care

Reach Equifax Customer Care

If calling the regular Equifax “customer service” (cough, cough) line at 866-640-2273 doesn’t work for you, is an email address you can use to try to resolve problems with your Equifax credit report. Equifax really doesn’t give a damn about you because you’re not its customer, banks and lenders are, but a reader says that he was able to use this email address to get an Extended Fraud Alert that he didn’t put on taken off his account. You can also try 404-885-8000, which is a direct line into their Atlanta corporate headquarters.

Reach Comcast Executive Customer Service

Reach Comcast Executive Customer Service

215-640-8960 is the number to reach the Comcast executive offices.

Reach Blogger Executive Customer Service

Reach Blogger Executive Customer Service

The Blogger free blogging system is owned by Google and they usually like their customers to talk to robots, but if you have an extreme issue, like all of a sudden your blogs were deleted (this has happened to at least a couple Consumerist readers), here are some executive honchos you can talk to get you fixed up:

Even Though You Can't Get Service, Tmobile Won't Let You Leave Without Fee

Even Though You Can't Get Service, Tmobile Won't Let You Leave Without Fee

Evan sent the following complaint letter to Tmobile’s CEO:

I am a T-Mobile customer from Miami, FL. I am writing you to report the unconscionable treatment I have received from T-Mobile over the past six months. For the past six months I have received no cellular reception in my area. After repeated calls and technical checks, the T-Mobile technical team issued a report stating that there is no coverage in my home and T-Mobile has no intention of upgrading the service in my area. I was initially told that upgrading my equipment to a new phone may resolve my issue. After a contract renewal and significant expense for the new equipment, my service is no better than it was previously.

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service

910-794-6232 – Lisa Bennett, Executive Customer Relations

Reach Midwest Airlines Executive Customer Service

Reach Midwest Airlines Executive Customer Service

Sprint: Please Keep Paying Your Dead Father's Cellphone Bill

Sprint: Please Keep Paying Your Dead Father's Cellphone Bill

Sprint wants Tracey Stewart to keep paying her dead father’s cellphone bill. Sprint is not completely heartless: they offered to cut his monthly rate to $10 until the contract expires in September.

Contact Time Warner Cable Northeast Ohio Executive Customer Service

Contact Time Warner Cable Northeast Ohio Executive Customer Service

Akron, OH 44311

Reach US Airways Executive Customer Service

Reach US Airways Executive Customer Service

877-369-6512 is the number for the US Airways Executive Office.

5 Bank of America Executive Email Addresses

A former Bank of America employee provides these email addresses and says they’re the people to complain to about getting fee’d to death (or any other customer service related issue you want to escalate).

Reach The Dell Customer Advocates

Reach The Dell Customer Advocates

If you’ve exhausted the normal routes of solving your problems with Dell, try sending an email to

Tmobile Executive Resolutions Fax Number

Tmobile Executive Resolutions Fax Number

If regular Tmobile customer service fails ya, you could always try faxing their executive resolution team. It might do you as much good as faxing the local Chinese store, but hey, it pays to dream.

Reach Time Warner Cable Executive Customer Service

Reach Time Warner Cable Executive Customer Service


Email Addresses For 7 UPS Executives

Email Addresses For 7 UPS Executives

Here are the email addresses for seven UPS executives..

Borders Corporate Email Address Format

Should you ever have need to send email to a a bunch of people there, the format for Borders Group, which owns all the Borders iterations, Waldenbooks, Schulers Books, and Books Etc, is

Contact Vonage Executive Customer Service

Contact Vonage Executive Customer Service

Vonage has a handy web form which forwards all issues to their Executive Response Team. A reader says he submitted his issue and he got a callback and resolution within 3 hours. “A 3 hour turn around isn’t bad at all,” he writes, “considering I’d already wasted 2-3 hours on the regular phone support over the past 3 days.”

Florida's SunPass Toll Free Number Is NOT 1-800-SUNPASS

Florida's SunPass Toll Free Number Is NOT 1-800-SUNPASS

Sometimes you need to call a company or government service and you guess at the toll free number. “SunPass” seems like a gimme—it’s got the right number of letters, it’s two words, and they’re even broken into groups of 3 and 4 just like a phone number. It’s a no brainer! But it’s also a sex line number, which a reader’s friend realized last week when she tried to get some information about Florida DOT’s prepaid toll program. The real number for SunPass is 1-888-TOLL-FLA.

Barnes & Noble Corporate Email Address Format

Not that any of our readers have ever had a real problem with Barnes & Noble, but just in case, it’s