In the message, Judy advises customers to call Sprint’s main line at 877-812-1223 and wait their turn for incompetent service just like anybody else.
phone numbers

14 Verizon Executives’ Phone Numbers
[protected-iframe id="8c8ea805951e6291431c13aafec3f18b-40783744-40309798" info="" width="55" height="82" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"]We’ve got a directory of contact info for the offices of 14 top Verizon executives, with full name, position, address, email address, phone number and fax number
Reach Sprint Executive Customer Service
If the peons of Sprint Customer Service give you static, try this contact info and bump your issue up to the Executive Customer Service department.

Reach Bloomingdale's Executive Customer Service
If you’re unable to resolve your Bloomingdale’s issue by going through regular customer service, try this executive customer service info.
Sprint Refuses To Cancel Dead Brother’s Cellphone
Sprint refuses to cancel the cellphone service of a reader’s dead brother. The most they’ll “bend” for reader M is to “put the account on vacation,” at $5.95 a month.
Reach Sony Ericsson Executive Customer Service
Want to bypass Sony Ericsson grunt level support? An anonymous SE rep reached out to us and provided the following:

Bell Canada Executive Customer Service Contact Info
Having trouble getting your Bell Canada customer service problems resolved? Here’s the contact info for some high Bell Canada execs that will jumpstart your quest for executive customer service.

List Of Consumer Electronics Customer Service Contacts
Now that you’ve ransacked the tree and menorah, ravishing packages wrapped with care, it’s time to call customer service. Billy’s robot is on the rampage!

Verizon CEO’s Contact Info
If you would like to reach the head of Verizon and tell him what an awesome company he has, here’s his corporate contact info.
Sprint Retention Department Phone Numbers
Here’s two extra phone numbers that may help you if you’re trying to cancel Sprint.
UPDATE: Every TWC Level III Phone Number
Hey gang! Remember 27 days ago when posted all those high up Time Warner Cable tech support phone numbers? And everyone was like, dude, this number is disconnected, this area code does not go with this town, and furthermore, you’re a dirty brick licker for posting them? Yeah, those were the days.

EXCLUSIVE: Every Phone Number For TWC Level 3 Tech Support
Your Time Warner Cable is messing up. It can’t be fixed by merely turning the modem on and off. You’ve called technical support but they’re useless. You need Level 3 Tech support. That’s the tier at which they can actually help you with the more difficult technical problems.

Quit AOL By Fax, Mail, or Phone
In all the boogaloo about AOL’s manual and call centers, we forgot some very important pieces of information.