phone numbers

Handy US Airways/America West Contact Info

Handy US Airways/America West Contact Info

Several phone numbers that may be useful if you’re having an issue with US Airways/America West.

Contact Sears Executive Customer Service

Contact Sears Executive Customer Service

Got a Sears complaint regular customer service can’t handle? Kick it to the top.

Remove Your Phone Number From Google Phonebook

Remove Your Phone Number From Google Phonebook

If you don’t want Google’s information tentacles posting your phone number and address on the internet, you may want to remove it from their directory.

Where's My Tech? Call Comcast Dispatch (We've Got The Numbers)

Where's My Tech? Call Comcast Dispatch (We've Got The Numbers)

Comcast is notorious for techs missing their appointments. If you would like to see where you tech really is, and maybe have him get his heiny over, here’s a whole bunch of Comcast’s internal dispatch numbers.

DirectTV CEO's Contact Info

DirectTV CEO's Contact Info

To send a valentine to DirecTV’s CEO, Chase Carey, email

Contact Comcast's CEO

Contact Comcast's CEO

So if you love or hate Comcast and want to make sure the man at the top knows it, here’s his contact info:

All US Airline CEO's Contact Infos

All US Airline CEO's Contact Infos

This appears to be a giant list of all US airlines’ CEO contact info (for instance, the phone number for US Airways corresponds with the information listed on their SEC filing) Shoot your complaints to the top of the totem pole with this information. — BEN POPKEN

Helio Call Centers Staffed By Retards

Helio Call Centers Staffed By Retards

Helio is an exciting new cellphone company! We heard about them some months ago when they just got started and were launching 2-page spreads in major magazines and taking out ads on prominent websites, except then they decided to only pay for the magazine ads and told the websites to go screw themselves. This general air of assclowns spinning asshats on sticks at the asscircus trickles down all the way to their call centers, which, based on reader Dave’s complaint, has their head totally up their ass. Which must hurt because it’s also got a spinning asshat on it (on a stick, no less) but we digress.

Bank Of America Manager Escalation Line

Bank Of America Manager Escalation Line

If you have an intractable issue with Bank of America, and calls to regular customer service and attempts to escalate are unsuccessful, try the manager escalation line:

80 Sprint Department Phone Numbers

80 Sprint Department Phone Numbers

Inside, a list of 80 different Sprint company phone numbers by department.

Reach Sprint Without Going Through Automated Menus, And 88 Other Useful Numbers

Reach Sprint Without Going Through Automated Menus, And 88 Other Useful Numbers

1-877-891-1384. Inside, we’ve got Sprint phone numbers for just about everything your heart might desire, from activations, to the CEO, to Malice Phone Call Traces, and more.

Reach TransUnion Executive Customer Service

Reach TransUnion Executive Customer Service

If you haven’t been able to solve your TransUnion credit report problems through normal channels, you can escalate your issue to their executive customer service team. Here’s the info.

Phone Number For JetBlue's Main Baggage Office

Phone Number For JetBlue's Main Baggage Office

If JetBlue lost your luggage, here’s the number for their main baggage office: 866-538-5438

Reach Equifax Executive Customer Service

Reach Equifax Executive Customer Service

If you haven’t been able to solve your Equifax credit report problems through normal channels, you can escalate your issue to their executive customer service team. Here’s the info:

How To Contact Menu Foods Executives, Makers Of Rat-Poisoned Pet Food

How To Contact Menu Foods Executives, Makers Of Rat-Poisoned Pet Food

If you would like to let Menu Foods know what you think about them selling pet food laced with rat poison, here’s their executive contact info:

Contact WaMu Executive Customer Service

Contact WaMu Executive Customer Service

If you have a burning problem, say you’re stuck overseas with your credit cards stolen and no one at Washington Mutual will help you, these are the cats to contact:

Giant List Of Cellphone Company Departments' Direct Numbers

Giant List Of Cellphone Company Departments' Direct Numbers

Having trouble finding the special number for a specific department at your cellphone provider? Just feel like bypassing the intermediary customer service reps who might end up disconnecting the call or transferring you to the janitor’s closet?

Sprint CEO’s Phone Number, And 25 Other Sprint Execs’

Sprint CEO’s Phone Number, And 25 Other Sprint Execs’

UPDATE 5/29/07: Call 703-433-4401, a special number just for Consumerist readers that goes straight to the office of the CEO: