phone numbers

45 Direct Phone Numbers For Comcast Departments

45 Direct Phone Numbers For Comcast Departments

Here’s 45 direct-to-department phone numbers for Comcast, because sometimes reaching the right person at Comcast is so maddening you want to start swinging a hammer in the local branch office. This isn’t to say these people will magically fix your problem, but at least they can leapfrog you past the three-headed watchdog of low-level customer service reps (the heads’ names are Incompetence, Sloth, and Apathy). The escalation and retention numbers, which might be of particular interest for people with big complaints, are marked with an asterix. We tested about 1/3 of these, let us know in the comments if any disconnect….

Reach Verizon Internet Executive Customer Service

Reach Verizon Internet Executive Customer Service


Email Circuit City Executive Customer Service

Email Circuit City Executive Customer Service

Circuit City sent us the email address for their consumer affairs division. You can contact them there if you have a complaint not resolvable at the store level or by calling regular customer service.

Email Addresses For Comcast Executives

Email Addresses For Comcast Executives

If you have a problem with Comcast, and you’ve called customer service, and you’ve escalated to a supervisor, and maybe even hung up and tried a different person, and you’re still getting nowhere, here are some executive email addresses you could use to launch an Executive Email Carpet Bomb against Comcast…

Reader Gets 5-Month Old Overcharge Fixed After Calling Tmobile Executive Switchboard

Reader Gets 5-Month Old Overcharge Fixed After Calling Tmobile Executive Switchboard

“I woke up this morning particularly frustrated and decided today was the day I was chaining myself to the local t-mobile counter. You know they make you feel like you could be capable of these things. I thought if I wore my best shoes and handbag, people would know I wasn’t crazy :). Deciding against this course of action after about 3 coffee’s, I searched on the internet. After about 30 minutes, I found your article.”

Email Addresses For Circuit City Executives

Email Addresses For Circuit City Executives

If you have a problem with Circuit City, and you’ve called customer service, and you’ve escalated to a supervisor, and maybe even hung up and tried a different person, and you’re still getting nowhere, here are some executive email addresses you could use to launch an Executive Email Carpet Bomb against Circuit City.

Reach Regions Bank Executive Customer Service

Reach Regions Bank Executive Customer Service

Birmingham, AL 35202

The Ultimate Consumerist Guide To Fighting Back (Revised Edition)

The Ultimate Consumerist Guide To Fighting Back (Revised Edition)

[protected-iframe id="14eedff4c1ed081d42f5a75be4931995-40783744-40309798" info="" width="55" height="82" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"] We’ve posted recently about how to fight back when a business screws you over, and we’ve posted a lot of executive contact info over the years. Now we’re packaging the two together into one big mega-post of usefulness: a one-stop-stop for figuring out what you need to do to start a customer complaint, or how to escalate a stalled one so that it can be resolved.

Reach Experian Executive Customer Service

Reach Experian Executive Customer Service

(714) 830-7000 is answered by a live human being


Reach humans at eMusic customer service: 212-300-2856, 11AM-5PM, Eastern.

Reach National City Executive Customer Service

Reach National City Executive Customer Service

216-222-2000 to speak to secretary of Daniel Frate (EVP of Retail Services)

Reach American Express Executive Customer Service

Reach American Express Executive Customer Service


Directly Call AT&T | DISH Retentions

Directly Call AT&T | DISH Retentions

To reach the AT&T | DISH retentions department, call 866-266-1292 , press 1, then press 1 again. Retentions departments are the gate of customer service you usually have to pass through to cancel service. They try to identify and solve objections to the service you have, either by pointing out features of awesomeness you apparently weren’t aware of, or by tossing credits or price reductions your way.

Executive Customer Service Numbers For 36 Companies

Executive Customer Service Numbers For 36 Companies

Executive customer service is a firewall team that keeps your complaints from disturbing busy executives’ golf games. Often , they do this by actually solving your problems, possessing superhuman powers to command all parts of the company to action, from billing to technical. If regular customer service channels fail, here’s how to reach some of them at the companies we’ve gathered the information for so far.

Directly Call AT&T Landline Retentions

Directly Call AT&T Landline Retentions

954-626-1263 goes right to level two retentions for AT&T landlines. These are the people that are supposed to dissuade you from dropping service, through credits and price reductions. Like we said said here, don’t just call up and ask for free money. Paint a picture of customer dissatisfaction. Pitch woo. Then see what you can get.

302 Phone Numbers To Reach A Human At Paypal

302 Phone Numbers To Reach A Human At Paypal

Paypal is not known for being friendly or easy to reach, so we’ll help you out with a whole bunch of unpublished internal phone numbers. Tons of people trying to scam them probably turned them off the whole friendly customer service bit , but why should us regular customers be subjected to the same treatment as a 419 scammer?

Contact Information For Directors Of Time Warner Cable, San Diego Division

Contact Information For Directors Of Time Warner Cable, San Diego Division

Here are the company contacts, phone numbers, and email addresses for the division directors of Time Warner Cable, San Diego division. If you’re a TWC subscriber in that area with a problem and not getting any traction through regular customer service, one of these people should be able to help you.

Email The CEO Of Sears

Email The CEO Of Sears

The current email address for Aylwin B. Lewis, President & Chief Executive Officer of Sears, is