personal finance


8 keys to maximizing your 401k [MSN Money] “Savings and investment choices aren’t the only things that influence the size of your next egg. These tips will help you make the right moves.”

6 Ways to Save Money on Eyeglasses [Wise Bread] “Before you fork out big dollars, read our tips for saving big on your eye care expenses!”

8 money missteps that can really hurt you financially [USA Today] “Don’t compound your problems by making these eight major money missteps.”

Financial literacy: What’s your grade? [Smart Spending] “More people are giving themselves higher marks for being money-savvy, but survey indicates many still need help.”

What to Do If Your Boss Is the Problem [Wall Street Journal] “Here are ways to deal with a difficult boss without scuttling your career.”


Chase To 15% Of Cardholders: Drop Dead

Chase To 15% Of Cardholders: Drop Dead

15% of current Chase credit card users are going to get the axe, Chase CEO Jamie Dimon announced in a shareholder letter this week. “In light of new regulations,” that forbid sucking in customers with zero-interest introductory rates and then ratcheting up lunatic penalty rates, “we deem them too risky.” Other highlights from the letter (PDF): [More]

Wells Fargo Holds Your ATM Card Hostage In Portland. You Live In Bolivia.

Wells Fargo Holds Your ATM Card Hostage In Portland. You Live In Bolivia.

John is in Bolivia. His money is not, thanks to Wells Fargo incompetence that has him making $10 phone calls to executive customer service and his friend wiring him thousands of dollars. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Seven Steps to Get Out of Debt [Free Money Finance] “I’ve counseled scores of people through the years — some with tens of thousands of dollars in debt — and have seen these principles help them become debt-free.”

21 ways to cut expenses in retirement [MSN Money] “You can get by with a smaller nest egg by using these frugal strategies.”

6 biggest retirement mistakes [CNN Money] “We asked financial experts about the missteps they see most often and how to avoid them.”

5 Personal Finance Apps for the iPad [Smart Money] “Here are a few personal finance apps that are currently available for the new device.”

That Was Then, This Is Now [Wall Street Journal] “In November, we asked a panel of financial advisers for their 2010 recommendations. We caught up with them recently to see if they have changed their minds.”


Reach Bank Of America's CEO

Reach Bank Of America's CEO

Got a squirrely Bank of America issue that no amount of calling and pleading with customer service can resolve? Try kicking it up the poop pile to CEO Brian Moynihan, or one of his trusted slaves: [More]

Are Credit Monitoring Sites Really Worth The Money?

Are Credit Monitoring Sites Really Worth The Money?

Now that everyone is so obsessed with their credit reports and FICO scores, credit monitoring services have popped up everywhere. For a modest recurring fee–one that easily adds up to over $100 a year–you can have a company constantly watch your credit report and alert you of any changes in it, so you can always be on top of your creditworthiness. But should you bother? The consumer director of the U.S. Public Interest Research Groups federation (U.S. PIRG) tells BusinessWeek that credit monitoring is a “protection racket” that turns people into “financial hypochondriacs… who are scared of their own financial shadows.” [More]

Tell Your Senator To Rollback Unfair Interest Rate Hikes

Tell Your Senator To Rollback Unfair Interest Rate Hikes

Before a new law went into effect in February to clamp down on their abusive tactics, credit card companies jacked up interest rates, putting the squeeze on already strapped consumers. But that same law can still help as. In it, Congress told the banks to review those spiked rates, and, for responsible cardholders, bring them back down to normal levels. Of course, the banks are working feverishly to make sure they don’t have to live up to the law. As the Senate considers Regulation Z; Docket R-1384, be sure to grab their ear and say hey! Gimmie back my rates! Contact your rep now. [More]

How To Find A Good Local Bank

How To Find A Good Local Bank

So you’re tired of banking at one of the big, faceless national chains and want to keep your money local? You can try one of the recent sites devoted to the local bank movement, like or, or you can follow this Kiplinger columnist’s lead and do it yourself with a little online research. [More]

If You Were Broke, You Don't Need To Pay Taxes On Forgiven Debt

If You Were Broke, You Don't Need To Pay Taxes On Forgiven Debt

Here’s an important caveat to our “You Need To Pay Taxes On Forgiven Credit Card Debt,” post: you don’t need to pay the taxes if you were insolvent at the time the debt was discharged. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

21 best money tips ever [CNN Money] “Some of the nation’s leading business owners, investors, and thinkers share their thoughts on rebuilding your wealth.”

Eight do’s and don’ts for your 401(k) [MarketWatch] “Here are some nest egg do’s and don’ts.”

9 secrets of home insurance claims [MSN Money] “What you don’t know about filing a homeowners insurance claim after serious damage can definitely hurt you. Don’t get caught by these common surprises.”

How I Generate Extra Income by Letting Strangers Pay My Rent [Get Rich Slowly] “I’ve created a situation where my home generates income.”

5 Myths about your taxes [Washington Post] “Some of the most common myths about this springtime ritual.”


You Need To Pay Taxes On Forgiven Credit Card Debt

You Need To Pay Taxes On Forgiven Credit Card Debt

If you had some credit card debt canceled in 2009 the IRS might want a piece of it. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Five Financial No-Brainers [Free Money Finance] “There are a handful of money management suggestions that are beneficial to nearly everyone. In fact, they’re so good that they can be listed as financial no-brainers.”

Are you middle class? [MSN Money] “The economic headlines are better than they were a year ago, but living standards continue to erode for many Americans.”

Get Your Piece of a $34.1 Billion Pie [Smart Money] “The IRS is holding an additional $1.3 billion in unclaimed 2006 tax refunds that eligible taxpayers have only until April 15 to claim.”

3 investing moves you must make [CNN Money] “To make the most of this new [investing] world, start here.”

The 15 Money Rules Kids Should Learn [The Wall Street Journal] “Ultimately, the aim is to raise children who grow into adults who are financially aware and who are comfortable managing the various aspects of money.”


Mastercard Spent $960,000 In Q4 To Lobby Congress

Mastercard Spent $960,000 In Q4 To Lobby Congress

Kaching, kaching, that’s the sound of Mastercard’s lobbyist’s coffers engorging. The credit card company spent nearly a million dollars in the 4th quarter to lobby Congress critters. By comparison, they spent only $680,000 in the 3rd quarter, and $510,000 in Q4 2008. Among the issues of keen interest to the big orange and yellow interlocking circle: overdraft fees, banking reform, interchange fees, issuer practices, and the Consumer Financial Protection Agency. The good thing about being Mastercard is that you can just charge all your lobbying expenditures.

MasterCard spends $960,000 in 4Q to lobby Congress [AP via LowCards]

31 Steps To Unlocking Cash In Your Life

31 Steps To Unlocking Cash In Your Life

With just a few hours work, you could unlock hundreds of dollars. It’s called a financial tuneup, and if you set aside some time to tackle some of those nagging to-dos, and wrassle with some customer service departments, you could end up with serious coin in your pocket. To get you started, NYT Your Money’s Ron Lieber has put together a killer interactive 31-point interactive checklist. He shows you how to save money, and how much money you can save. [More]

Email GE Money Bank CEOs

Email GE Money Bank CEOs

UPDATE: Here’s the contact info for GE Money: [More]

Panel: Get A Financial Tuneup Tonight

Panel: Get A Financial Tuneup Tonight

Join me tonight at 6:30 pm at 620 8th ave, 15th floor for a New York Times hosted panel on “Your Money: A Financial Tuneup.” The whole idea behind the “Financial Tuneup” is that once a year you should set aside 10 hours to just tackle every niggling item on your personal finance todo list. Here are some tips on doing that. RSVP for tonight’s event at [More]

How To Find Affordable Therapy

How To Find Affordable Therapy

I know of two great ways to deal with issues in one’s life: drinking heavily, or seeing a therapist. I’ve tried both, and I have to say that the therapy route is more efficient, because if done correctly it can help you figure out why you do what you do, so that you can properly enjoy your liquor without all the tears.
The problem is that therapy sounds expensive, but there are actually affordable options out there if you know where to look. Here are some tips.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

10 smart uses for your tax refund [MSN Money] “The best options include paying down credit card debt, starting an emergency fund and buying energy-efficient appliances.”

5 credit score killers [CNN Money] “Here are a few things that can wreak havoc on your score and wreck your chances of getting an affordable loan.”

Five last-minute tax tips [Vanguard] “Here are five new or increased credits or deductions you may find relevant as you complete your 2009 return.”

Should You Buy or Rent? [Kiplinger] “Renting may be smarter if home prices in your area will fall further.”

Ten Tactics for Saving Money on Pets [The Simple Dollar] “How to reduce the costs of acquiring and caring for a pet without skimping on the quality of care.”