personal computers


More Google Searches Are Done On Mobile Devices Than PCs For First Time

In the beginning, a person with a question that needed to be answered would shout, “To the Google!” and that would most often mean sitting in front of a desktop computer or opening a laptop. Not so, anymore: For the first time, U.S. Googlers are Googling more on mobile devices than personal computers. [More]


Does Our Love Of Tablets & Smartphones Signal The Beginning Of The End For PCs?

If college kids today could see the hulking mass of plastic and metal parts that comprised the PC I was required to buy from my college freshman year, they would probably never stop laughing. It used to be that to get by in the computing world, a personal computer was the necessary gadget. But as shipments of PCs are forecast to fall for the first time in 11 years, times could be a-changin’. [More]

Microsoft Set To Release Windows 8 Preview Feb. 29

If you want a peek at Microsoft’s next operating system and won’t mind enduring possible pre-release glitches, you won’t have to wait much longer to try it out. Microsoft announced it’s expanding its preview of Windows 8 to the general public Feb. 29. Members of the developer community have had their paws on the preview since September. [More]