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More Than 25,000 Madoff Victims May Finally Receive Payouts Totaling $4B

More Than 25,000 Madoff Victims May Finally Receive Payouts Totaling $4B

It’s been a long time coming for many victims of Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme — more than seven years, in fact — but some of them could soon finally see payouts from a $4 billion Department of Justice fund. [More]

(Mark Turnauckas)

Former Town Official Gets Five Years’ Probation For Stealing $460K In Quarters

An ex-inspector for a New Jersey town who pleaded guilty to stealing $460,000 in quarters — yes, that’s 1.8 million coins — from the city’s parking meters has been sentenced to five years’ probation. The inspector apologized, and will have to pay back almost half of what he stole. [More]


Man Gets 15 Months In Jail For Plane Hoax, Has To Write 38 Apology Letters To Passengers

Just in case you ever need a really good reason not to call in a fake bomb threat to an airplane, look no farther than the incident last year where armed agents swarmed a tarmac at Philadelphia International Airport, arrested one guy on the U.S. Airways flight and freaked out a whole bunch of travelers: Turns out the call was made by another man, jealous of a Facebook photo of his girlfriend that the other man had posted. He’s in big trouble now. [More]