Walmart says it will ramp up safety conditions at more than 2,800 of its stores scattered across the United States, after inspectors say they found “repeat” and serious” health and safety violations at one store under investigation. The mega chain has also agreed to pay a $190,000 fine under the terms of a deal with the Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), because of “unacceptable” safety hazards facing employees a that store. [More]

Walmart To Improve Safety Conditions At 2,800 Stores, Pay $190K Fine For Repeat Violations

Make Sure You're Not Sitting And Typing Your Way To Injury
Although sitting and staring a monitor all day for work doesn’t seem to be strenuous, the monotony of an office job can break you down physically. Proper form and equipment can keep desk jockeying from wearing on you. [More]

Walmart Spends $2 Million To Avoid Paying $7,000 Fine
Talk about sticking to your principles. Rather than simply pay a $7,000 fine stemming from the Black Friday trampling death of a store employee, Walmart has racked up at least $2 million in legal costs to prove their point. [More]

OSHA Agrees To Investigate Wal-Mart Whistleblower Incident
The odds aren’t in her favor—in recent years, only 16% of employees who filed complaints with the Labor Dept.’s Occupational Safety & Health Administration won—but OSHA has agreed to open an investigation into Chalace Lowry’s claims that after she reported suspicious activities at her Wal-Mart headquarters job as she’d been trained to do, she was outed to her boss as the whistleblower, and when she asked to be moved to a new position she was told to look for one herself and that Wal-Mart would make no guarantees about her job security.
The House of Representatives passed a bill today that would require OSHA to limit workers’ exposure to diacetyl, the recently popularized butter-flavored chemical used in microwave popcorn and the suspected source of dreaded “popcorn lung.” The White House has threatened to veto any regulation sent its way, and some House Republicans agree. Said Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina, “Fundamentally, the science does not exist to state the link between diacetyl and impaired lung function.” [Reuters]

American Airlines Fined Again For Unsafe Work Conditions At O'Hare
American Airlines was fined $231,000 back in June for unsafe work conditions at Chicago’s O’Hare airport. The conditions included fall hazards, electrical and fire hazards, hygiene issues, blocked exits and storage of oxygen and acetylene cylinders.