Wells Fargo must rehire a wealth management group manager who was fired after reporting suspected fraudulent behavior to the bank’s ethics hotline. [More]

Tilikum, SeaWorld Whale From ‘Blackfish’ Documentary, Dies
After living for 25 years in captivity at SeaWorld, Tilikum, the orca whale chronicled in 2013 documentary Blackfish, has died, the park announced today. [More]

SeaWorld San Diego Will Phase Out “Shamu Show” For One With A “Conservation” Message
Even amid growing concern about the safety and welfare of both the animals and their trainers, SeaWorld had remained steadfast in defending its signature “Shamu Show,” with commercials and marketing trying to reassure the public that it was doing right by these large and potentially deadly marine animals. Today, the heavily scrutinized theme park company took a step intended to quiet at least some of its critics. [More]

OSHA: Ashley Furniture Failed To Report Incident In Which A Worker Lost His Finger
Going to work and doing your job shouldn’t mean worrying about bodily harm, which is why there are rules and regulations in place to ensure that employers take all the right steps to keep workers safe. The federal government says Ashley Furniture fell afoul of those rules when it failed to report an incident in which a worker lost a finger. [More]

SeaWorld Lawsuit: “Shamu Show” Was A Sham That Masked “Ugly Truth” About Lives Of Whales At The Park
Despite attempting to reassure the public that all is well under its artificial seas, SeaWorld continues to face criticism from the general public: A new class-action lawsuit against SeaWorld claims that the park made hundreds of millions of dollars from its “Shamu Show,” all while hiding the truth of how its killer whales were treated. [More]

California Authorities Cite SeaWorld San Diego For Not Properly Protecting Employees
Another wave of controversy is washing over SeaWorld, as the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health has handed the company’s San Diego park four citations for not making sure employees who work with killer whales are properly protected. [More]

Bumble Bee Foods, Two Employees Charged In Worker’s 2012 Death
Two-and-a half years after a worker at a Bumble Bee Foods cannery died inside a pressure cooker at the factory, official charges have been filed against the company and two of its employees f. [More]

McDonald’s Workers Claim They Were Told To Treat Burns With Mayo, Mustard
From tubs of hot cooking oil to flaming grills and searing griddles, working in any kitchen presents a multitude of burn hazards, and sometimes accidents happen. But some McDonald’s workers say their restaurants are cooking too much food with too few people and that when employees get hurt, management has some odd ideas for how to respond. [More]

Walmart Still Avoiding Paying $7000 Fine For Worker Killed By Black Friday Shoppers In 2008
In 2008, a Walmart employee was killed when a mob of deal-desperate Black Friday shoppers tore the store’s doors from their hinges and stormed inside, trampling him to death. The chain was eventually fined $7000 for their role in the employee’s death — but six years and $2 million later, the world’s largest retailer has yet to pay up. [More]

Dollar Tree Racked Up $866K In Fines Over Last 12 Months For Workplace-Safety Violations
Discount retailer Dollar Tree has earned itself the not so great distinction of raking in perhaps more workplace-safety violations in one year than any other business has managed to accumulate: In the last 12 months, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued 48 violations to Dollar Tree, charging it $866,000 in fines.

SeaWorld Trainers Will Stay Out Of The Water After Park Drops Its Appeal Of OSHA Citations
SeaWorld’s orca trainers will stay out of the water following the park’s decision to give up its appeal to overturn a federal appeals court ruling in April. That decision that upheld the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s citations against SeaWorld for various violations, including some linked directly to the death of one of its trainers in 2010. [More]

USPS Sued By Feds For Labeling Whistle-Blower A Drug-Using “Terrorist”
If you think an employee of yours might be too quick to gripe or prone to exaggerated complaints, there are proper ways to handle that situation. Among those accepted methods is not falsely telling others that he’s a terrorist and that he’d threatened to blow up your building. [More]

OSHA Issues Citations Following Worker Death At Amazon Warehouse
Following the December 2013 death of a temporary worker at an Amazon fulfillment center in New Jersey, the federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration has issued citations to five companies involved in staffing the warehouse, while also revealing that it is investigating another death at an Amazon facility in Pennsylvania. [More]

Appeals Court Denies SeaWorld’s Attempt To Overturn OSHA Violation
The main reason that people nominated and voted for SeaWorld in our recently concluded Worst Company In America tournament was the controversy — highlighted in the documentary Blackfish — over its treatment of orca whales and, more precisely, the multiple deaths that have been tied to one particular whale. SeaWorld has been fighting workplace safety citations issued following the 2010 death of a trainer, but today a federal appeals court ruled against the park. [More]

Walmart Hasn’t Paid $7,000 Fine For 2008 Black Friday Trampling Death
We mentioned the other day that it’s been five years since the tragic Black Friday trampling death of a Walmart employee. In the years since, Walmart has spent millions of dollars trying to avoid the meager $7,000 fine from OSHA, and still has yet to pay it. [More]

5 Years After Deadly Walmart Black Friday Stampede, OSHA Reminds Stores To Keep Order
In the early morning hours of Nov. 28, 2008, a Walmart employee in Long Island was trampled to death by over-eager shoppers rushing to grab doorbuster deals. In the years since, many stores have taken measures to prevent this sort of tragedy from happening again, but it doesn’t hurt to remind retailers what can be done to minimize any mob mania. [More]