While you and I have had to pay to see all this year’s possible Oscar contenders (some of which haven’t even been released outside of NYC and L.A. yet), members of the various nominating guilds have been sitting at home and watching these films for free on screeners provided by the studios. And even though the movie industry tries to keep these screeners from getting out, a record number of them are readily available through pirate torrent sites. [More]

Neiman Marcus Fantasy Gift List Features $425K Trip To The Oscars (Well, An Oscars Party)
You’ve been staring at that pile of money in your money room forever, it feels like, and George Clooney simply refuses to answer your calls. What’s someone with a hefty lump of cash supposed to buy for the loved one who has everything? If you’ve got $425,000 to spare, you could give the gift of a trip to the Oscars from Neiman Marcus. Or at least, you can get in the vicinity of the Oscars and play dress-up. [More]

What's The Best Business Movie Of All Time?
So it’s the Oscars this weekend, when Hollywood pats itself on the back for releasing a handful of movies that weren’t crappy. That started a little debate around Consumerist HQ as to what the greatest business movie of all time could possibly be. [More]

ABC7 Cuts Off Cablevision Customers Just In Time For Oscars
Oscar is being held hostage in the latest battle between the New York City-area ABC affiliate and cable provider Cablevision. At midnight last night, ABC7 cut off their feed to Cablevision, leaving millions Oscarless. This caught our attention not only because it was a spectacularly obnoxious negotiating ploy on ABC’s part, but also because local media are giving Cablevision customers some pretty bad advice. [More]

Man Arrested For Hanging Eight-Story Ad, Held On $1-Million Bail
Los Angeles has had a problem with illegal billboards for a while, but apparently it’s taking a ban on one type of display advertising seriously. “Supergraphics” are giant outdoor ads that stretch across the sides of buildings and are so big they can be seen from the International Space Station. Last month, the city filed a lawsuit involving several supergraphics already on display. A few days later a businessman hung an eight-story tall one on a building on Hollywood Boulevard, in the line of sight of cameras shooting red carpet coverage for the Oscars. He was arrested and held on a $1,000,000 bail. [More]

Oscars Give In To Viewers, Tell Winners To Save "Thank You" Lists For Backstage
The stores you go to might not be listening to your complaints and suggestions, but someone is — the producers of this year’s Academy Awards broadcast. In a move sure to please the viewing audience and outrage the celebrity publicist community, the folks behind the Oscars have asked winners to prep two speeches: One for their on-air acceptance and one for a separate backstage webcam. [More]