It’s always a bit of a shocking event when the lion and the lamb go quietly walking around together like they’re meant to be together. Which is why it’s a bit of a head scratcher to hear that Mozilla — the company that once ticked off the advertising industry by announcing plans to test a patch to block third party cookies by default — will now be displaying ads right from inside its browser. [More]
opportunity knocks

Has Honda Finally Killed Off Mr. Opportunity?
For years, Honda has been irritating TV viewers by continuing to bring back its smug animated shill, Mr. Opportunity. The spots grew so grating that Consumerist readers voted it as the third-worst ad in the country last year. But several of you have noticed Mr. Opportunity’s absence from your TV sets and wanted to know if Honda had finally put the toon out of its misery. [More]

Microsoft Finds Opportunity In PlayStation Network Woes
Offering less-than-sincere condolences for a competitor’s misfortune, a Microsoft spokesperson publicly hoped the ongoing PlayStation Network outage would lead to more action on Xbox Live. [More]

Bulletproof Backpacks For Kids
Because it’s every American’s right (duty?) to be scared, and to shop, someone has invented the perfect terror protection must-have for back-to-school: bulletproof backpacks! The inventors, both of them fathers of school-age children, say the special plate sewn into the back of the bag can withstand not only bullets, but machetes, hatchets, and Ka-bar knives.