Following the lead of Starbucks, Chipotle, Target, and others, sandwich chain Panera is asking that customers please refrain from bringing firearms into their restaurants, but says it won’t stop people from doing so where it’s legal. [More]
open carry

Starbucks CEO Asks Customers To Please Leave Guns At Home
For years, Starbucks has been stuck in the middle of the debate over whether businesses should let customers bring guns into stores in states and municipalities where it is legal to openly carry a firearm. CEO Howard Schultz had previously called it a “difficult, fragile” situation but said the company was not going to change its longstanding policy of following whatever the local laws allowed. Then last night, he issued an open letter to customers, asking them to please leave their guns at home. [More]

If You Bring Your Gun To Walmart, Please Don't Play With It
An Arizona man (not Consumerist’s Phil Villareal, in case you were wondering) is under arrest after he discharged a handgun at his local Walmart. And no, he wasn’t robbing the place; he was just nervously fidgeting with his firearm. [More]

Starbucks CEO Calls Gun Policy A "Difficult, Fragile Situation"
In an interview airing tonight on ABC’s Nightline, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz says he feels that both gun control and firearms advocacy groups are only using the coffee company to make a point about their particular agendas and that he never envisioned customers wanting to carry their gun into a Starbucks. [More]

Starbucks CEO Thinks You Can't Carry A Loaded Gun Into Starbucks
With Starbucks finding itself in the crosshairs of a debate between gun control and firearms rights advocates, one would think that the CEO of the company would understand whether or not customers were allowed to carry loaded guns into his stores. One would be wrong. [More]

Starbucks Caught In Crossfire Over Gun Debate
If you’d asked us a while back what company would find itself at the center of a power struggle between anti-gun activists and gun-rights supporters, we probably would not have guessed caffeine powerhouse Starbucks. But as the news that the ‘Bucks is okay with customers carrying guns into their stores where it’s permitted by law, there’s been a backlash by those now asking the company to rethink its policy. [More]

Wanna Bring A Gun To Starbucks? They're Cool With That
In states like Virginia where it’s legal for gun owners to walk around in public displaying their heat, there are some firearms fans who go out to stores they assume will be unfriendly about their gun-toting ways. But, in spite of its left-leaning reputation, coffee colossus Starbucks has instituted a policy saying guns are A-OK with them. [More]