Recognizing that it needed to work on its e-commerce business, Walmart went on an acquisition spree, buying and other existing businesses to build its online operations up very quickly. Target, it turns out, had the same opportunities to acquire its way into more robust online operations, but instead is sticking to basics and building its own online operations up. [More]
on target

Target May Hire Outside Company To Help Actually Keep Grocery Items In Stock
Target has gradually added more food to their store inventory over the last decade or so, and that’s an area where they want to grow. The problem is that as their food selections have grown, they’ve created a patchwork supply chain to get food items into stores. That’s inefficient, and has left some Target stores with empty shelves. The company’s solution may be to hire someone else to help. [More]

Target Will Price-Match 29 Competitors’ Websites
Beginning tomorrow, October 1, Target will price-match the websites of 29 major retailers in stores and for purchases from their website. These include the usual big names that you might expect, like Amazon, Walmart, and Best Buy, but also some major specialty retailers like Sports Authority and cosmetics retailer Ulta. [More]

More Examples Of Target Math: They Never Said It Was “On Sale”
There are two different types of Target math, our name for the unusual ways that stores calculate bulk and sale prices. One type is when a “sale” price is higher than a product’s regular price, which is not the normal definition of the word “sale.” The other is when a bulk package of an item costs more per item than just buying it individually. Now we’ve discovered a new form: random numbers pulled in from nowhere. [More]

Target Will Stay Open Slightly Later To Drum Up More Business
While big-box discount competitor Walmart is trying a bold experiment in maybe sometimes putting more cashiers out on the floor this holiday season, Target is also trying something new to make shopping more convenient for customers. Starting this month, they will be open slightly longer hours. Instead of closing at 10 Monday through Saturday and 9 on Sunday, they will extend the hours of about half their stores by an hour or two. [More]

Union Aims To Organize Target Workers
An effort is underway to unionize Target workers, and next month employees of the retailer will vote on whether or not to organize. [More]

Don't Shop At Target When It's Raining If You Don't Want Your Car To Get Crushed
A few weeks ago, as Tropical Storm Hermine breezed through Texas, a pregnant mother of two exited a San Antonio Target store to find her car crushed beneath a fallen parking lot light pole. And now, she says, the retail chain has left her to foot the $10,000 repair bill herself. [More]

Greenpeace Says Target Is Most Enviro-Friendly Seafood Seller
Greenpeace says Target is the best of all supermarket chains when it comes to selling sustainable seafood, meaning not depleting fish populations or damaging the environment when it comes to harvesting and selling our delectable seafaring friends. [More]

Target Offering Video Game DLC Cards For 15% Off
Joystiq reports Target has a sweet deal going on with Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360 points cards, selling the $20 cards for $17. [More]