A music store in Wisconsin claims that an elderly woman came into the shop to try a drum set and became an Internet viral video star. Who is she? Where did she learn to play? Will she join my band? All of these questions remain unanswered so far. All we have are two videos of her totally rocking out. [More]
old people

TSA: We Didn't Force 95-Year-Old Woman To Remove Diaper
Transportation Security Administration agents were accused of making a 95-year-old woman take off her diaper before a flight from Florida to Michigan, but the TSA now says it has investigated the incident and found that its agents did no such thing. [More]

TSA Defends Forcing Elderly Woman To Remove Adult Diaper (Updated)
UPDATE: The TSA said in a statement its agents did not require the woman to remove her diaper: [More]

American Airlines Sent My Boss's Mom On Flight Headed In Wrong Direction
Jennie says she arranged for a ticket on American Airlines to have her boss’s mom fly from Santa Fe to Los Angeles. The passenger suffers from dementia and somehow ended up on the wrong flight, headed instead to Texas. Jennie says the airline admitted fault, refunded the ticket and even sent her flowers, but she says the efforts weren’t enough because the woman is terrified to fly now. [More]

AARP Tells You How To Love Your Money The Old-Fashioned Way
It’s not such a great time to be heading into retirement, which may be a reason prospective retirees may want to glance through the AARP’s 50 Ways To Love Your Money PDF.

Twitter genius from badbanana: “They should make a Matlock reunion special where the plot fully explains the upcoming digital TV transition.” [via BestAt]
Regal Theaters: Free Popcorn for Ratting on Cell Phone Users
- Regal Theaters, the nation’s largest theater chain, has begun testing devices in 25 of its locations that allow patrons to summon ushers if audience members use cell phones or become unruly. Regal Chief Executive Michael Campbell told the Reuters Media Summit in New York Wednesday that a second button will notify management of faulty projection, a third about uncomfortable room temperature, and a fourth about any other problem. Campbell said that ordinarily customers won’t say anything such problems while the film is running. “They just will complain on their way out or, in the worst case scenario, they don’t come back.” He said that he expects the device to be available nationwide next year and that it will be given to “mature” audience members, who will receive free popcorn for their efforts.