If you were planning to visit North Korea sometime in the near future, you’ll probably need to cancel that hotel reservation in Pyongyang: The U.S. State Department has issued a ban on travel to the country, citing concerns that American could be in danger while there. [More]
north korea

Security Experts Think Massive Global Ransomware Outbreak May Be Linked To North Korea
A massive digital attack that swept the world late last week, holding computers and their data hostage for ransom, has largely petered out (for now). But as the crisis settles down, researchers are now able to take the time to start figuring out who started it all… and fingers are pointing at a familiar target. [More]

North Korea’s Parents Now Have A Streaming Video Service To Distract Their Kids With
Although North Korea is often regarded as one of the least connected countries in the world, those who do have access to the state-run version of the internet will have a few more things to watch — and a few more things to distract their kids with. [More]

Sony Says ‘The Interview’ Will Be Distributed Somehow — George RR Martin Says “Let Me Show It”
The fallout continues from Sony’s decision to pull The Interview following threats from hackers with alleged ties to North Korea. Over the weekend, a lawyer for the entertainment giant said the movie will eventually be distributed but no one is saying just how this could happen. [More]

Obama: Sony “Made A Mistake” Pulling ‘The Interview’ From Theaters
The FBI announced today, and President Obama confirmed during a press conference, that North Korea is indeed behind the attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment. The President expressed his sympathy for Sony employees, but gave voice to what many in the United States are thinking: that hacks are inevitable, and in pulling their movie, Sony did the wrong thing. [More]

Report: U.S. Government Agrees North Korea Actually Is Behind The Hack Attack On Sony
It has been a bad, bad month for Sony Pictures. In the wake of the hack that loosed their employees’ most personal information onto the internet, threats of violence resulted in the cancellation of their Christmas-day comedy release The Interview. And now, federal investigators aren’t sure how to point the finger of blame — not because they don’t know who’s behind it, but because they do. North Korea is indeed to blame, administration officials say, and the U.S. has to figure out how to handle international relations in the face of what is not just another hack, but cyberterrorism. [More]

Report: Sony To Officially Point Finger At North Korea For Huge Hack
Last week, it was revealed that Sony had been the victim of a massive data breach, resulting in the leak of Sony films, scripts, passwords, and sensitive information about employees and business operations. There have been rumors of suspected involvement by the North Korean government in the hack, and a new report claims that Sony will officially name the country as the source of the breach. [More]

Sony Pictures Hacked, Films Released Online; North Korea On List Of Suspects
Sony Pictures Entertainment, the film studio division of international entertainment giant Sony, was the victim of a major hack last week. Not only did the attack majorly disrupt work at the studio nationwide, but also it appears that the bad guys got their hands on some goodies while they were there: at least four Sony films that haven’t even been released yet are already zipping their way around the internet. [More]

Want To Buy Stuff From North Korea? Fill Out An Application
North Korea isn’t a country where Americans are all that keen to shop, what with commerce with the country being officially banned. They also don’t make a lot of things that we want to buy. There are some, though, and prospective importers have to send a letter to the Treasury Department making their case. [More]

North Korean Airline Tells Facebook Users To Like It
Unless you live in North Korea, Russia or China, chances are you’ve never flown on North Korea’s Air Koryo. But thanks to the power of Facebook, you can now choose to like the airline and comment on its wall. But be careful what you say. The airline recently had to scold a group of “South Korean false fans” whose “spam had engulfed much of the fan-pages’ posts and pictures.” [More]

Hey Continental Airlines, North Korea Isn't The Same As South Korea
My wife (a South Korean citizen and non-immigrant to the U.S.) was initially denied check-in due to the fact that their “computer” stated that she was required to have a Visa to enter Mexico. We quickly informed the attendant (Donna [redacted]) that the Republic of Korea aka South Korea aka NOT North Korea, is a treaty nation with Mexico and that tourist Visa’s for minimal stays are not required.