Here’s an ad explaining how the crazy hooking up an iPod nano to your Nike running shoe works. Pretty f’n cool. It seems like your nano will speak to you and tell you how far you’ve run, how far you have to go, how long you ran, etc. You can then redock your nano and track all your progress on the computer.

The News: Arrogant, Unethical, and Fabulous Edition
• Nah nah nah, kids are circumventing anti-Myspace filters by setting up their own proxy servers from home and accessing them at school.

Nike Air Jordans as Shoe Sculpture Porn
Nike Air Jordans repurposed by artists Brian Jungen into sculptures, pointed to us by ObsessiveConsumption. Some of these resemble dinosaur skulls. Some of them are analogues for the route it takes to get a human on telephone customer service.
Nike and Eric Cantona Bonito Help Us Love Ads and Soccer Again
We hate ads but we dare you to hate this Nike soccer campaign.

Hopeless Petitions: Back to the Future Nikes
We know the chances of this actually working are slim-to-none, but as burgeoning sneaker junky, we’ve got to mention it. Someone has created an online petition requesting that Nike create the future high-tops worn by Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future II. They look strangely hip these days, and it’s actually possible to affordably recreate the glowing Nike logo from the movie. (The powered lacing might be a little bit more difficult, but it’s probably not unpossible, either.)