Last year, the San Francisco Giants became the first Major League Baseball team to integrate a TSA-like express security lane for pre-checked visitors (who also paid $179 for the privilege). Starting this week, Yankee Stadium will also get this sort of access, though it won’t cost anything for people who just want speedy access to a baseball game. [More]
new york yankees

Guy Shown Sleeping On ESPN Broadcast During Yankees-Red Sox Game Sues For Defamation
While yes, sporting events are the most important, serious endeavor and should be approached only with the utmost in respect and deepest reverence, sometimes things happen. Sometimes you need a nap, even during a game between the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox. But one fan says the Yankees, ESPN, its announcers and a Major League Baseball organization defamed him by broadcasting his snooze on-air, allegedly calling him “fatty, unintelligent” and “stupid.” [More]

Yankees Fan Gets $1.5 Million After City Rejected His “Buck Foston” Sports Bar
Sports rivalries can be so funny! It’s like why would Red Sox fans care if a Yankees fan wanted to start a bar named after a deer named Buck Foston — oh. Clever, right? Or not, but a jury said a club owner had the right to name his bar Buck Foston’s Road House and also gave him $1.5 million. [More]

If You're A NY Yankees Fan, We Hope You Don't Have DirecTV
In spite of the icicles hanging off the eaves, baseball season is upon is, which can mean only one thing: fights between broadcasters and cable companies that threaten to black out games! [More]

Yankees Fans Celebrate Championship By Giving Away Your Private Information
In case the unlimited payroll, overpriced stadium, and everything else weren’t enough, here’s another reason to dislike the Yankees: their celebratory parades are havens for white collar crime.