What happens when a parking garage allows a complete stranger to walk in and steal your car? A dozen unreturned phone calls, a hundred non-commital responses and a refusal to own up to any blame.
new york city

Young Urban Professionals Think Paying High NYC Rents Unfair
The New York Times has a fascinating article about what it’s like to try to find an apartment in that Mecca of Self-Entitlement, New York City.
The $60,000 iPod Tekserve Ad
Normally, unless we were feeling really lazy, we wouldn’t post two ads right after one another but we just got this hot ad sent to us and we wanted to scoop it to you quick-styles.

HSBC’s Conspiracy of Dunces to Stop Wire Transfers
A coherent rant about trying to wire money through HSBC, over their seemingly deep objections. It’s a redtape streamered, Kafka’s “The Trial”-esque implosion of customer service… a banking failure so perfect in its unlogic, it’s almost a work of art. “Gari”, who’s chosen to represent himself online as Zod from Superman 2, sent in the following:

NYC eSmoke Shoppers Burn City, Bloomberg Seeks Back-taxes
Thousands of New York City consumers who purchased cigarettes from eSmokes.com will be forced to collectively cough up $33 million in unpaid taxes.

Cingular’s Server Down Yesterday
Looks like yesterday’s Cingular dropouts may have been due to a faulty server which had to get a bobby pin inserted into a small recessed button on the backside.

Big Apple Store Never Closes
New York City’s newest Apple store, currently under construction on Fifth Avenue and set to open in May, is not only going to be one of the larger Apple retail stores in the world; it’s also apparently going to be open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This all night Mac house will be slinging iPods and Macbooks to jittery, bleary-eyed addicts in the heart of Manhattan, even as innocent citizens sleep nearby—at least until the East Side neighborhood associations start to complain.

Manhattan Eating: Delicious Discounts
While we doubt that we’re being given “inside information” as our source purports, the new ‘Delicious Discounts‘ program for Manhattan restaurants doesn’t seem half bad. The service aggregates over a thousand Manhattan (and soon Brooklyn) restaurants, searchable by proximity to your address. Each time you try a new restaurant—and we don’t yet know how Delicious Discounts can tell if it’s new to you—you “automatically receive 20-25% off your first order from that restaurant,” says our ‘source.’
Renters Speak: The Cockroaches of Central Park
Despite the great response we got from our request for bad rental experiences, we can’t get enough horror stories about awful living situations—especially ones in New York.