new jersey

Continental Loses Dog, Offers $1,000 Reward For Her Return

Continental Loses Dog, Offers $1,000 Reward For Her Return

It’s been almost two weeks since Daisy, a 4-year-old Golden Lab/Shepherd mix, broke free of her leash during a layover at Newark Liberty International Airport, but Continental Airlines is holding out hope that she’s still alive and is offering a $1,000 reward to anyone that finds her. [More]

Should There Be More Legalized Gambling?

Should There Be More Legalized Gambling?

Even though the American Gaming Association recently stated that gambling revenues were down 5.5% last year, a growing number of state and city governments are looking at casinos and gambling as a way to spur economic growth during this not exactly golden age. [More]

Shoplifter Blames Devil

Shoplifter Blames Devil

A woman caught shoplifting from a Walmart in Cinnaminson, NJ, assaulted the store’s loss-prevention officer and drove off, but accidentally left her pocketbook–which contained her driver’s license–in the parking lot. She called back later to ask whether they’d found it, and when the police got on the phone she admitted to the shoplifting and assault, but blamed it on the devil. [More]

Is It Too Early For Back-To-School Sales?

Is It Too Early For Back-To-School Sales?

Public school students in Union City, NJ, just wrapped up classes earlier this week. So Consumerist reader Juhgail was caught off guard when she popped into a Staples to pick up some supplies and came upon an entire rack of back-to-school items. [More]

New Jersey Says Your "BIOCH" License Plate Is Not Allowed

New Jersey Says Your "BIOCH" License Plate Is Not Allowed

Is “bioch” a bad word? New Jersey thinks so. They’re trying to take away one resident’s fabulous bioch vanity plates because they are “objectionable.” She’s upset because people like the plates and think they are funny. [More]

New Jersey Wants To End Mail In Rebates

New Jersey Wants To End Mail In Rebates

Mail in rebates are a sneaky way to make things look cheaper than they actually are at the point of sale, since many consumers never actually get any cash back. Now New Jersey’s state Assembly is considering legislation that would require retailers to charge shoppers the after-rebate price on goods, instead of forcing them to mail in or submit online requests. If the retailer still wants to take advantage of the rebate, that’s no problem; he’ll just have to mail it in himself. [More]

Another Domino's Driver Told To Repay Money Stolen From Him

Another Domino's Driver Told To Repay Money Stolen From Him

A couple months back, we wrote about a Domino’s Pizza delivery guy whose boss ordered him to pay back the money that was stolen from him during an on-the-job robbery. And while that driver’s boss eventually relented, another driver in New Jersey was not so lucky. [More]

Racist NJ Teens Also Shop, Use P.A. Systems, At Whole Foods

Racist NJ Teens Also Shop, Use P.A. Systems, At Whole Foods

Looks like stupid, racist teenagers in New Jersey don’t just shop at Walmart. A 14-year-old girl in Edgewater, NJ, was caught this weekend using the PA system at a local Whole Foods to announce, “All blacks leave the store.” [More]

JetBlue Flight Forced To Return To Newark After Losing Engine Cover

JetBlue Flight Forced To Return To Newark After Losing Engine Cover

A JetBlue plane bound for Fort Lauderdale, FL, was forced to return to Newark Liberty International Airport on Monday after an engine cover dropped off the jet shortly following taking off. [More]

To Tip Or Not To Tip: Full-Service Gas Station Attendants

To Tip Or Not To Tip: Full-Service Gas Station Attendants

Last week’s poll on tipping the pizza delivery guy certainly riled a lot of feathers, with over 300 comments on the topic and more than 12,000 votes tallied. It’s also brought up some good questions about tipping from Consumerist readers, like this one from Chad, who has just been introduced to mandatory full-service gas stations in New Jersey. [More]

Police: Racist Walmart PA Prankster Had Done It Before

Police: Racist Walmart PA Prankster Had Done It Before

Remember the New Jersey teen who was recently busted for announcing over a Walmart PA system that “all the black people should leave the store now”? Well, you probably won’t be shocked to find out it wasn’t the first time he’d done it. [More]

NJ Walmart To End Racism By Reducing Access To PA System

NJ Walmart To End Racism By Reducing Access To PA System

Remember that New Jersey Walmart where some fool used the store’s public address system to tell all the African-American shoppers to leave? They’re trying to prevent it from happening again by cutting back on the number of in-store phones that have access to the PA. [More]

30 Worst NJ Toll Collectors

30 Worst NJ Toll Collectors

Never give a New Jersey toll collector pennies. Never. Ever. Not unless you want to risk them being thrown in your face. That’s the lesson I learned from reading the 30 pages of customer complaints The Smoking Gun gathered by doing a Freedom of Information Act request on the State of New Jersey. And in between the suggestions to stay flashing suggestions, threats of strip search and violence, that state is very altered indeed. [More]

Manager Charged With Arson After Rival Bowling Alley Is Burned

Manager Charged With Arson After Rival Bowling Alley Is Burned

According to police, a manager of a rival bowling alley has been charged with arson in the destruction of Loyle Lanes, a bowling alley in southern New Jersey. [More]

New Jersey Wants To Stop Unsolicited Text Message Ads

New Jersey Wants To Stop Unsolicited Text Message Ads

New Jersey isn’t content with going after unsolicited junk mail checks and credit card offers–it appears to be aiming for Least Friendly Junk Marketing State in the Union. The latest target: marketers who send out unsolicited text messages. [More]

New Jersey Considers "Do Not Solicit" Registry To Block Credit Card Offers

New Jersey Considers "Do Not Solicit" Registry To Block Credit Card Offers

New Jersey politicians appear to be engaged in some sort of contest to see who can get the most stringent anti-junk mail law passed. First an Assembleyman introduced a bill a few weeks back that would ban companies from mailing unsolocited checks to consumers. Now the Assembley’s Consumer Affairs committee has proposed starting a “Do Not Solicit” list, which would block credit card companies from offering new cards to consumers who aren’t interested. [More]

New Jersey Wants Marketers To Stop Mailing Unsolicited Checks

New Jersey Wants Marketers To Stop Mailing Unsolicited Checks

Assemblyman Paul Moriarty wants direct mail marketers to stop sending out those “free money!” checks that auto-enroll you in expensive programs when you deposit them, while a senator has introduced a similar measure. “Instead of relying on tricks, companies looking to sell their services in New Jersey should go back to the old-fashioned way: earning consumers’ trust,” said Moriarty. [More]

Target Pays New Jersey $375K To Settle Fraud Charges

Target Pays New Jersey $375K To Settle Fraud Charges

Target has agreed to pay New Jersey $375,000 to settle charges that it sold baby formula and non-prescription drugs that had expired, and that it charged higher prices on some products than what was displayed on the shelves.