net neutrality

Cox Blocking Craigslist?

Cox Blocking Craigslist?

Is this the first major salvo in the net neutrality wars? Silicon Valley Watcher reports Cox is blocking access by some of its users to Craigslist.

The News: Legitimate Businessmen

The News: Legitimate Businessmen

• Need a telco spokesperson to fight net neutrality and give it a happy face? Let’s get that guy who was Bill Clinton’s mouthpiece during the cigar scandal. [LAT]

Pith & Vinegar: The Spinning of the Chum

Pith & Vinegar: The Spinning of the Chum

• Old news but we didn’t talk about it yet: Telcos secretly funding anti-net-neutrality websites. Probably made by the same ad agency who did the pro-C02 spot. [Digg]

Net Neutrality as Told By Gun Wielding Halo Maniacs

Here’s a funny window into the issue of net neutrality, depicted by characters from the shoot-em-up smash hit, Halo, spotted here.

What’s Net Neutrality?

There’s been a lot of buzz lately about “net neutrality,” which is basically how your ISP might have a financial incentive to make Google or YouTube or any site it pleases slower or even block it. This is a pretty important issue and if the failure by the US House is any indication, one that’s in danger of being won by the bad guys.

NJ Townsman Fights Verizon on Net Neutrality

NJ Townsman Fights Verizon on Net Neutrality

In the town of Red Bank, NJ Verizon has applied to operate a cable TV service over their fiber optic network, but not everyone is thrilled.

Verizon on Net Neutrality: “Trust Us.”

Verizon on Net Neutrality: “Trust Us.”

With the depressing defeat of the Net Neutrality bill before the House Telecom and Internet subcommittee yesterday, many Internet users are getting a bit nervous. Are we on the precipitous edge of one of those nefarious slippery slopes people are always talking about? Will common sense prevail? If it doesn’t, can we trust providers like Verizon and AT&T to not cripple the Internet?